Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Weigh in....

In the grand scheme of things it's good news.   The official weight loss total this morning from last week was 1 lb.

It was less than I was expecting and a gain from my mid week check up. Rich and I discussed all the reasons why it may have been so miniscule.  He's positive my weight training & going to the gym have contributed to that (as in I'm 'gaining muscle').

I don't know if I agree with that.  Then again, I don't know how long that takes, so what do I really know?   As I said, in the grand scheme of things, I lost weight.   

This weekend we stuck around the house, but we were not lazy.  Between finally painting the basement bath and replacing a few light fixtures, we've kept busy.

Back to the grind this week.   Work, working out, and a concert thrown in there......

Hopefully good news.   

I am still working on the 21 day Arm challenge.  It's easy to do almost anywhere, so I have no excuse not to keep up with this.   On day 9.  

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