Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday March 14

I still plan to do a weigh in post tomorrow.  I'm terrified.  Since my recommitment, I've been *mostly* good. 
Mostly as in  I've stuck to logging my food, working for my steps, and working out.  I have also enjoyed some candy-readily available at work.  I AM trying though.

This morning I am proud to say after I woke up and let the dogs out, I went downstairs to do my recumbent bike.   45 minutes, just over 6 miles.    Depending which tool you look at that's anywhere from 400-800 calories.   I'm conservative with my estimations, so I took the lower estimation.

My neighbor and I have plans to head over to the gym in the afternoon.  

Another thing I've tried a few times and STILL CONFOUNDS ME is my weighted hula hoop.  I STILL can't do it.   I'm going to have to ask an expert.  
HEY FRIENDS/NEIGHBORS, want to come over and try it to see if it's just me?

I try every day....ONE day I hope to have it !!!!!

Another thing I'm going to start doing (as soon as I find the pump) is using my exercise ball as a seat when I'm sitting around the house.  Need to strengthen my core!

So back to my nervousness about tomorrow. My biggest fear is that the needle moved up or not at all.  I would like more than 1 lb but I would be satisfied with 1 lb downward movement.   ANY positive sign.  

SOooooooo I guess check back tomorrow for more?

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