Friday, August 26, 2016


Well, it's over and done with.  I had the injection in my knee today. They gave me Synvisc. This is the up to 6 months shot.  If all goes well, I should have relative ease in walking and moving in my knee.

It hurt going in just like any other injection (and hurts like hell).  Right now my knee is stiff and aches, so I'm going easy today per doc's instructions.

There will be no workout today. I will do some stretching, but I'm holding off on the hard core stuff.
Additionally, I'm sick as a dog, so that doesn't help matters.

SO much for having a productive 3rd week.

Check back later for updates.....

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Off the beaten path....


So it's been a very crazy week.  As I briefly mentioned in my last post, my father was admitted to the hospital during my parents visit.   I got a day and a half with him where he wasn't in the hospitalized before they headed home.
My wonderful brother-who in spite of some questionable past deeds (joke)-- should be nominated for sainthood.   He flew in this morning JUST to drive them back.    This visit is most likely the last visit home (HERE) for him.  UNLESS I CAN CONVINCE THEM TO MOVE HERE!!!

So I'm going to take a few to talk about non-diet/weight loss things.

Do you know it SUCKS to see your parents age?   It really does.   Now, I have cool parents -which I didn't think so growing up- , but now that I'm older I think they're pretty cool.   The last 3 visits I had with them were either NOT PLANNED or didn't go as planned.   And most of it was sucky.

In June I drove down after my father was rushed to the hospital after being found on the floor.
In July, my Uncle passed and they came up for that.   This time was supposed to be fun-family and a wedding.    Instead my father was hospitalized and my parents worried on how they were going to get home-among other things.

I know it's a fact of life that they (parents) get older and eventually pass on.  I know it's an eventuality, but it doesn't mean I have to like it one bit.   It sucks even worse that they're so far away and were lured there by false promises and lies.  

I try to visit as much as I can, but even though I have leave I have to coordinate with other team members to make sure there is coverage.  I have flexibility to work down there every now and again, but I have to get special permission ahead of time to do so.  

Want to know a secret? I have a bunch of days saved up and I try not to drop below 10 days. I have done this the past few years since they moved away. I know there is going to be a day that I will have to burn them and it will be most likely Father related.   I hate having to do that--but it is what it is.

If you have parents that you're close to or still in contact with, make sure they know how you feel.  Make sure you tell them you love them. Appreciate your time with them.    I am trying to write this without bringing too much drama into a blog where it does not belong, but it is hard to be bitter and filled with such anger at people who allow pettiness to turn them into assholes towards their families.  I'm not talking about people with legitimate issues.... I'm talking about the adults who act like idiots and ignore their children or children who treat their parents like crap--for stupid childish reasons.

Pardon me for that.   It's one of those things I keep inside and never talk about but I had to get out.

So..moral of this story  Embrace your family. Make sure your parents know how much you love an appreciate everything they have done or do for you.   Parents who've for one reason or another abandoned your family--it's not too late to let them know you love them.

So--- as I started Dad was hospitalized and my eating choices have not been the best. I haven't lost all sense of reason or progress.  I just have had a few days over my normal eating.   I worked out all days except yesterday.

Yesterday...I'm getting sick again. Last year at this time (this weekend) I became ill and it was bad- chills, sweats, fever, chest congestion--the whole nine yards.  
I'm getting the congestion again. I started with a sever sore throat yesterday and it's led to a cough and a little congestion this morning and a lot more now.      It's going to suck.  I didn't eat well today.
In fact for dinner I had a summer corn chowder from Panera.  I needed the hot liquid in my chest.  I had a salad as well.    I know I need to work out today since I didn't yesterday.  And I will.

I'm a bit disappointed the final week of round 2 isn't going as planned.   I should be happy with the progress I have made--but I'm not.  

Oh. One last thing before I go. Tomorrow is my knee injection. I'll have more details tomorrow.  I've spoken to 3 people who all tell me wonderful things about the gel injections. I'm being optimistic!!

And talk about blow me away.  I logged on today to write this and saw the other day I had the biggest readership since this began a few years ago.  SO THANK YOU to everyone who has read my words.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Starting Week 3. Time flies

Evening all.
This weekend has been hectic.  

My parents who came up for the wedding I've mentioned a few times.  Unfortunately, my father did not get to attend. He was  admitted to the hospital yesterday morning.   So there's that we've had to deal with.    At least it's near me this time so I can take care of Mom and have them close.

The wedding.  I wore that dress  I bought over a month ago.  It was comfy, but did not fit as it originally was intended.  It sort of hung on me, hiding everything-Fat, curves, muscle...
It was a cute dress and I still had a good time regardless of the fit of the dress.

My Mom said it was noticeable-the weight loss.    That is good.  

Sigh.   So the day of the wedding-yesterday- I worked out first thing in the morning : 6:30AM.  I ate very light and had my shake.   I knew the wedding was going to be tough.  It was.  I did enjoy the cookies and the cake, so I know my caloric intake was BAD.

I tried to eat well today.  However between a hospital visit, a long trip in the car to visit my Uncle's grave and just the overall craziness, I went over.   I did do my Yoga all the way through.

I'm a bit disappointed that I couldn't have done better, but it's over and done with. Tomorrow's a new day and I'm back on track.

BTW.  If you're on MFP, I leave my food log open to be viewed. I want transparency.   If I log in at 500 calories less than my daily total, I want my food choices to be able to be viewed.   Just one more way to be accountable for my actions and choices.

Here's a pic I posted to FB.   It's the first real documented change since starting the plan....

Not much else to say.      We're going to rock this week 3.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

21 Day Fix-Laurie style

21 day fix

I'm not an expert. I'm not a sales rep.  I'm just someone who heard about this program and said "Even I can do that".  So I'm putting my disclaimer here...there may be inaccurate info, but I'm telling this from MY point of view on this wonderful program.

I don't have to tell you my struggles.  If you're a long time reader, you know. If you're a friend, you know.  If you need to get caught the page linked to the right.

On July 2, this is THE DATE.  This is the date where I reached my bottom.
On July 2 I attended a wedding with friends.  I was severely overweight. My back hurt if I tried to walk too far. My knee hurt if I walked.   I had NO motivation.  I was pissed at myself for allowing it to happen. I knew what i needed to do. I know the tools.   I just didn't care anymore.

We had a group picture taken and I was sick.  Sick with how I looked next to my lovely friends.  I was chubby-bloated chubby. I looked aged.  I was obese.
Climbing stairs winded me.   I would come home from work and go to bed early because I was tired.
I HATED having to fly because I didn't fit in the seat.

Looking at that one picture just made me decide more. I heard about the 21 day fix and got more info on it.    1) You received containers for your food.  Using these containers eliminates the need to count calories and weigh your food.    and 2) there was a workout program.  All you needed to do was follow the workouts--30 mins.  
Even though I feel very busy, when I stop and think about my day I realized I could easily find 30 mins to do these exercises.

I purchased the challenge pack which came with 30 days of  Shakeology at a discounted price vs buying everything separately.

My Challenge pack.
There are 6 different colored containers.   They vary in size-depending on the type of food that goes into it.   Veggies are Green.  Fruits are purple.  Proteins are Red.   Carbs are yellow. Healthy fats are blue. and Seeds and dressings are orange.
There is also a book that comes with it that explains the containers and the foods that go into them.  There is an "approved" list of foods for each category.
This diet is about clean eating so you will not find overly processed foods on this list anywhere.
Now I'm going to put a disclaimer right here.  For my particular eating plan, I'm not "hardcore". I have worked with a dietitian and know the ins an outs, so I while I stick to the allotted containers, I have eaten off list.
The book contains a calculation for you to work to determine your 'calorie goal' and gives you how many of each you can have daily.

So let's look at the image to the right.  For someone in the 1200-1499 range, they are allowed 3 cups of veggies, 2 fruits, 4 proteins, 2 carbs, 1 healthy fats.    

A person on this plan can fill their veggie cup up 3 times and eat whatever fits in there (or whatever the book says. Like asparagus is only 10 stalks for 1 veggie).

Additionally, you should eat at least 6 smaller meals each day.  One of those meals should be your Shakeology. Shakeology counts as 1 red(Protein). Be sure to count any liquids other than water  as well.

So that's the gist of it.   You eat all your approved containers and there is no calorie counting or weighing of food.    

Another thing I should mention is that recommend you pour your containers onto a plate.  This allows you to visually see the portion size.  The idea is eventually you will be able to make your food without the containers and judge portion sizes.

Also I think I read that the reason it's 21 days is that it takes that long to get someone into a new habit.   So 21 days of eating healthier choices will carry over past the 21 days.

I like to see numbers so I do log all my foods into MyFitness Pal.  MFP gives me a 2900 daily calorie goal.  I average about 2100-2500 calories.

Along with the eating plan, there are 2 dvds that come with the program.  There is a different workout for every day of the week.   And even an option to double up (especially the last week if you choose)

21 Day Fix image tools from:

In each of the videos there is an alternate way to do the workouts.   I do a lot of the alternates and even some that are not on the video.  In my case, I can't put too much pressure on my knees or on days where they act up, I'm limited to movement.  Even with these alternatives, I am working out along with them on the video.
Each workout is organized in such a way that it's easy to keep up and not get bored.

So think about this.  I am doing the workouts with a bad knee. Modifications on several of the workouts and I am still seeing results.   To me that speaks volumes.
I'm sure if I followed everything to the letter my results would be greater...but that's not how I have chosen to do it.

I was very LEERY of this at first. I've tried protein shakes in the past and it's hit or miss and they taste gross.    The great thing about this is you determine how it tastes.   They have several flavors. I originally started with the Vanilla,Chocolate, Strawberry pack.  I have also gotten Greenberry.

You can customize your shake to your tastes.   For me, this morning's shake was 1 cup Almond/Coconut milk (unsweetended) 35 calories (a yellow container). I used vanilla shakeology (1 red).  1 banana (1 purple) and chocoPB2 (1 of the teasspoons).

The other day I had a Greenberry Shakeo, 1/2 cup of pineapple juice, 1/2 cup of water, strawberries, raspberries, & blueberries and some spinach to top it off.

There are so many more recipes out there, but I really do enjoy my Shakeology.

SO there you have it. My summary of the 21 Day Fix w/Shakeology.

11 Days In......Round 2

I find it interesting that when I had no motivation, I also had nothing to post about.    Now that I have motivation and results, I had so many topics I want to cover.  

I guess I must first forewarn all squeamish males about this next subject.
So yesterday I'm at work and I have this headache.   I haven't had a headache in a month and a half.  It was baffling me since I have been feeling so well and something like this comes a long.  

Well at some point I went to the restroom as I tend to do when I drink bottles and bottles of water. I had a guest (unwanted?) that showed up out of the blue.    I haven't had any inkling of a period in years. Since my last weight loss attempt (some earlier post on this blog).   Back then it was one or two days of spotting (it was light) and  after I had a month or two of very light spotting.   Then it all went away.

Well my doctor did warn me.  It's a full on cramping and all.  I've forgotten how horrible this is.  Yes, my body is getting better, but I could have done without!   I'm such a baby.   A few years off and I can't handle cramping.   This is looking like a 3-4 day-er.    

I also know why I felt ...unhappy with how I looked the other day.   It was one of those days where I looked in the mirror and was like.  "Sooo much work....I'll never get thin".     Hormones are a bitch!

Now, I think I mentioned I haven't put this I don't want to say attempt because I am going to be successful this time.....So I've put this journey is too overused of a word.   ..... Let's say my decision to live a healthier lifestyle hasn't been as "advertised" as it was in the past.   Last time after I made about a 30 lb weight loss, I began telling people and posting to my FB wall every time I updated.

This time those in my fitness groups (I belong to 3), my close friends, my Mom, and the few who have noticed are the only ones that know what I've been doing.    I've also been careful to limit the photos I have shared to my face.   Part of the reason, my parents are coming tomorrow for a visit (and attending a wedding) and while they "know" the numbers and specifics they haven't seen the results.
I want their reactions.
Although yesterday I wore a cute outfit to work and took a picture. I sent it to 4 people as a "sneak peak" and the reactions were awesome.   It definitely helped me feel better.

I mean, I KNOW there is progress.  I see it on me.  I see in on my clothes (My pants literally slid off my butt the other day).   I can FEEL it.  I have minor aches and pains associated with working out.  I have the knee pain that will never go away.  But I am more limber and flexible. I have more energy and stamina.   I'm most excited about being more limber and flexible.  
Getting up off the floor or getting up off the couch is a different experience than it was 2 months ago.  I nearly bounce up and barely struggle.

I see it in my workout. There was a workout I was doing the other day on the legs.  It dawned on me the first time I did that workout, I could barely lift my leg.   Now I'm lifting it up a few inches.   Amazed me.

so my perseverance is paying off.   In some ways things are easier......but other times I'm like "I JUST WANT A BREAK!!"......

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Good Information... in a sales pitch

Before I go any further I want to let everyone know that I in NO WAY am supporting, sponsoring, or telling you to go with this program.
This link IS AN INFOMERCIAL.  IT IS a sales pitch.  
HOWEVER, there are some FABULOUS bits of information within and the program I follow does support a lot of what is said.  

I like the information and how it was presented.   Again beware this is an infomercial, but one that could be helpful to some of you....

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Goals. Everyone has them, but a lot of the time people don't ever meet them. Why do you think that is?  

I got to thinking about goals this week due to a training class I was in.   I attended a leadership class and we touched upon the subject of S.M.A.R.T. goals.  The instructor also discussed a survey or trial or study about incoming college students at a particular institute.  
Part of the study was for the students to start with some goals.   All of them were to make some goals. Some were to write them down and a portion of them were to use the SMART method.   Forgive me if I'm off a little on the numbers, but the study showed that 84% (almost all of those that used the smart goals and wrote them down) were successful.  
Again, I am totally paraphrasing and may have numbers wrong, but the point was made to me and sparked this topic.

What are S.M.A.R.T. goals you ask?
Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Timely.

Ok, I've explained it, but what does that really mean.

 I'm going to lose weight next year.  
I'm going on a trip next year.
I want to save more money.
Think New Years Eve resolutions.  Everyone has them, how many follow through.

What you need to do when you have a goal is be specific about what you want. What are you going to do to obtain it? When are you going to obtain it?  Is your goal something your really want to do? Is it really something you can attain?   When do you want to reach that goal? Is it realistic?  Are you willing to be flexible with that time frame?

So with those examples above, using the SMART way, they would ready like:
I am going to lose 15 lbs by the end of May. I'm going to stop drinking pop and eat more fruits and vegetables and less junk food.    

I want to go on a European trip in August. I am going to start putting away X amount of dollars each pay. I'm going to research deals. I'm going to make sure I have a current passport. I'm going to make an appointment with a travel agent and have my reservations in 2 months.

I want to save an additional $500 the end of next year.  I'll put away $20 extra a pay (26 pays).

So now that you have an idea what a SMART goal is, it's also very important to write them down.

It also occurred to me that I hadn't made any such goals.  I was just TIRED of being fat.Tired of hurting. I wanted to be healthier.   Well, isn't that close to the goals I had the first time around???

So I need to make some goals. I won't put them all down here as some of them have yet to come.  I will start with a few however.

I want to be down 50 lbs from my July 2 weight by the end of August.  I am going to continue with the 21 day fix. I am going to continue to work with the 5lb weights until the end of this 21 days. I will reevaluate for September.
I am going to continue logging my food into MyFitness pal NO MATTER the type of day I am having. If I go over 1000 calories, I will log it.   I will not beat myself up if I have a bad day.  If it turns into 2 bad days of eating OR not working out and it is not illness related, I will contact my coach and work with her.

I would like to lose at least 100 more pounds by June 30, 2017.  I am going to continue with the tools I've been using to this point.  I will re-evaluate my tools and my goals in November.  I will work with my Coach to see what I have achieved and what we need to do to achieve this goal.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A lot

I have a lot of stuff I wanted to talk about. However I am currently frustrated because the past 2 days I've had NOTHING but trouble logging on here.

Additionally something happened that has pushed my original post idea to the back and will be the next topic: Goal setting.

Alright, so the numbers on my recent accomplishments are at that point that someone should start noticing right?   I mean, I see it.  Rich sees it.   Why can't anyone else?

So yesterday my neighbor-who is aware of my current work- caught a glimpse of me out the back window (I was letting the dogs out).   She let me know she could tell and I was looking good.

So today:
There is a girl at work that comes in only two days a week.  As long as our schedules align and neither of us has a meeting, we will walk out in the hall.   Because of appointments and the RNC, we haven't really caught up with one another since the very end of June.  
During our walks, we've often discussed our weight loss struggles.

She wasn't aware of my decision and effort to do the 21 day challenge.

She was over at someones cube discussing something and when she was done, she started to walk by mine.   First she was surprised that I had been moved (last week) and hadn't thought I was in.  Then all of a sudden her eyes get really big and she says "You've been losing weight. I can see it in your face.   Your skin is so clear. Your eyes are really bright.   You look so much younger.  "   At that point I'm very happy because FINALLY someone noticed and it was someone who didn't know about the choices I made.

She was very excited for me and then I stood up to show her the other obvious areas.  

She really made my day with her observations and comments.    

Well....that's all I have to share today.   Check back tomorrow.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

21 Day Fix Round 2.

Good Morning.  
Had to weigh in this morning and take measurements before I start round 2 of the 21 Day Fix.  Down a few more pounds for a total of 25!  

I finally got my Shakeology shipment yesterday so I can get back to having them as part of my 6 meals a day.  

Getting quite excited to go round 2.

The past two days I haven't worked out, but I have been active and watching my food intake.   Back to hard core tomorrow.


Friday, August 5, 2016



Happy Friday!
How are you all today? I'm just peachy here.  

This has been a pretty decent week.     So let's dive right into today's info.

On Tuesday I went to see the Orthopedic.   He took some Xrays and overall the knee isn't too messed up. I still have little cushioning in the left knee, so there is always going to be some pain, but I did not do any damage with my fall. He says it's the equivalent of stirring up a hornet's nest. Meaning I aggravated the arthritis.

I was given another cortisone shot as well as having some fluid removed.   He and I also discussed the gel shot and I gave my approval to contact my insurance for approval.   Which I got as of yesterday!!

I know 2 people who have gotten the shot and they both have wonderful things to say about it. In the words of my friend Cheryl, "It's the bomb diggity".  So I am very hopeful and can't wait to get it.  However wait I must.  I won't get the "injection" until the 26th!

So in the meantime I am working off the cortisone shot which has taken away swelling and numbed the pain some what.  
The day I received the shot (and the day after) i could barely move my knee (2 needles were stuck in there!!!!)  I was going to hold off on working out because that day was Cardio, but I just decided to move some workouts around and focused on abs & upper body!
Yesterday was lower body since it's not too hard on the knee.

And yesterday was a follow up with my primary doc. She was extremely pleased to see my progress.  She even joked about my 'biceps of steel'--since I've never had obvious biceps.   She said she could tell in the way I carried myself that good changes were happening.

I told her that overall I'm feeling really good. I have more energy, more flexibility, much less pain related to the Fibro, and just overall goodness.    She's happy for me and is rooting for me.
She says that the way I'm doing it (losing weight) is how someone my age (middle aged women...gah I hate saying that) should be losing weight.   Diet alone will no longer do it.  

So my current status quo is Doc approved.

I've been out of shakes since yesterday, so this is day 2 without one.   Feels weird.    I'm getting by though, so it isn't the end of the world.

So there you have my past week.  Nothing major planned this weekend, just work around the house. Probably take the kiddoes to the park or something.   Or......hmmmm maybe we'll walk them????

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Round 1 - 21 Day Fix Completed

Short post today.
After 21 days my results are 13.4 lbs and 9 inches lost!

I'm not done yet!!