Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Update and Cave exploring.

Hey. Just me.
Hey! How's things going for all of you? Big plans for Labor Day?
Nothing planned here except for walking plans.
This week....
There was a lot happening this week.
As I mentioned in last week's post, I was very bad.

I got back on track and worked my butt off to stick to the diet AND walk.
For mid-season weigh in, I was down. Not as much as I should have been due to my bad choices, but down.
I did a work out at work and sweated my butt off.  Worked to get my steps in. 
I've lost one more pound, so that was a good thing.
Yesterday we did something I would never have done prior to beginning all this.  We went cave exploring.  Rich drives to Columbus, Cincinnati, & Dayton a lot for work. Since he isn't near any large highways to get down there, he takes a lot of country roads.  In his journey, he discovered there was a place not too far from us.  He LOVES caves and we decided to head to the place he discovered on his treks.
Seneca Caverns
From the website:
Seneca Caverns in Bellevue, Ohio is one of area's largest underground caverns, and one of America's most fascinating geological wonders.

While I did not earn a lot of steps for this adventure, I did earn a lot of physical points for this visit.

There was A LOT of climbing, twisting, bending, and ducking for this one hour adventure.  It was VERY physical and I'm so excited about all that.  This was a very intense physical trip and I was able to keep up and do it with minimal issues.  My left knee did bug me as I climbed down the natural stairs, but not enough to deter me.

This is something I would never have been able to do at all last year. I'd have been too big to squeeze through a few of the passage ways and there is no way I'd have been able to do all the moving required for this trip.   It was a lot of fun.   We are discussing plans to do more caves next summer.

Heading down to the next level

If you really want to do something different that has a bit of a physical aspect to it, you should look into a Cave Tour.   
Rich is definitely liking my new diet and exercise focus. 

He is loving the meals I make. I have to come up with ideas to keep food from getting "old" from having the same meal over and over with. 
He loves saying "I love your diet" as he finishes off dinner or a lunch I've made for him.
He loves the exercise part because he's a nature guy. He loves going on hikes and loves loves loves cave exploring.  The fact that I can do thing like this and that I want to.  
I wonder if we still lived in Japan if we'd do Mt Fuji again? Guess we'll never know.

Getting ready to go through 'duck rock'

Look what we're going to have to crawl through


Going down?


from 1921

Stopping for a selfie

To read more about Seneca Caverns:




Hello from 'down under'


Baby stalactites


stalactites forming the 'edge' of the rocks


Squeeze on through


Level 7 was flooded.







Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 24, 2014 Fox8 Foxtrot benefitting the Wounded Warrior Project



Before the FoxTrot

This morning I walked my 2nd 5K.  
I'm pretty proud of myself. I did pretty well-comparing to myself. :) I did a personal best, which I'm super stinkin proud of.
Additionally, it was for a very good cause, the Wounded Warrior Project.  Please consider donating to it.

After returning home, I even walked the dogs. It wasn't a long walk, but it was a walk never-the-less.  AND it's not even noon yet.
So, I was talking in an earlier post about my time being around an 18 min mile.   I was averaging a 16+ minute mile today.  Soo awesome.  
Here's the official results:

Place within age groupBIB #Place OverallChip timeGun Time
1451207241652:19.5 54:10.0
 Chip time, for those unfamiliar with that, is the time the chip on my bib registered me going over the start line to the finish line.

Photo after Foxtrot
SO I have some news to be proud of.

And I need news to be proud of as I am also now going to tell you that I've been very bad. 
I can blame it on being sick (which I have been). I can blame it on not having food in my house (which I didn't). I can blame it on anything but the real reason is I just didn't care this week.  I felt like crap and so ate crap.  I didn't walk as much as I should have and I do have a legitimate reason for one day.  Because of my lack of control, I've gained.  I have gained about 7 lbs.   I'm not really sure since I haven't weighed myself first thing in the morning like I should.  

So, I've been bad. I'm paying for it.  I'll get back on track tomorrow. 

SO as I said, good news is that I did a personal best time. Bad news, my eating this week is going to bite me in the butt come mid season weigh in.. I will have good news next week. Promise.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

One Year

Alright, so I'm a day off.
Happy Anniversary to me.

August 16, 2013 I had my consult and various appointments associated with my surgery.
August 18, 2013/August 19,2013 I started my official weight loss 'journey'.

It's been a hell of a year.  In the 365 days that followed I met and blew away goals. I have become healthier. I've become happier. But most importantly, I have become smaller WITHOUT the aid of surgery.

It's been said to me by numerous people that the change in me is very apparent.  Not only physically but emotionally. I appear to be happier and a more confident person.  I guess I agree with that.  I don't find myself sulking away in the corner trying to hide because I'm embarrassed or ashamed or in pain.  I like to socialize.   I'm told I tend to walk with my head up and shoulders back vs the hunched over look.

Where I once could only walk a few hundred feet before the pain overtook me, I am now able to comfortably walk several miles.

Where I once just wanted to walk my dogs, it's a normal everyday thing. 

I have so much energy. Where I once was prone to depressive moods, I haven't really suffered from one in awhile. 

My battle is long from over.  I still have quite a bit of weight to lose, but I'm not thinking "how the heck am I going to ever do this."  No. I'm thinking, "How long till I get there?" 

A big Wow for me was the clothes shopping I did this weekend.  Down another size and just so giddy to be there.   

I do want to take a moment to thank some specific people.  These people have been some of my biggest and most vocal supporters from day one.   Your friendship and support have meant the world to me.  

Thank you to Sarah for all her support, encouragement, laughter, and friendship.  Thank you for also being a sounding board and cheerleader.  

Thank you to Margery for her tell it like it is attitude and support. She always has been my devils advocate and loudest cheerleader.  I'm grateful you're in my life and hope we never lose touch again. Thank you.

Karen-Thanks for your support at work and keeping me on track on those days I have weakness.  Your observations and support keep me from straying and help keep me focused.

Erin-who may or may not read this but who constantly pushes me (especially with our Biggest Loser contest).  Thanks!

Jenny-One of the first people I told about the surgery and huge supporter/cheerleader. You can always find her comments on my posts.  Next NKOTB show we attend together, I will be able to stand the whole show and we'll have a blast.   Your friendship and support is something I appreciate greatly.

My parents for always loving me no matter the size and supporting me through the ups and downs.  You guys really are the best and I am grateful to have you in my life.  Love you.

Jenni--Your weight loss was incredible and sparked my desire to really do something. That's why I followed my Dr's recommendation to follow the bariatric surgery route...I wanted someone to look at me like I did the first time I saw you after your incredible weight loss.

Katey--You were the first person to say "You look like my Laurie again".  That has stuck with me and am glad that after all these years we're still in each others lives.

To the rest of you that I do know and those who read that I don't know, thank you for coming back to read.  Your silent support does help.  Knowing that my words are being read and must mean something to someone.  

Do not take it personally if you were not named.  The way I blog is 'unconscious freeform". I think it, it gets typed.  I rarely edit and sometimes forget what I'm going to write.   I do see your likes on FB, your comments here and on FB.  I do know who is cheering for me.    I do thank you. 

As I said, I have a ways to go, but unlike before, I'm confident I'll get there. It's no longer a how, just a when.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Happy Sunday.

Hey. No weigh in today because I did that the other day.   Besides, I already ate and all that jazz before I remembered I should have weighed myself.

So, as I mentioned I'm here in Tenn visiting my family. I've been pretty good this weekend. I went to my walking park and did very well.  I did 3.5 miles Friday and Saturday morning.  As I briefly mentioned earlier, I'm pacing just under 18 minutes/mile. I'm very excited about that.  Next week, my post for Sunday will be delayed until the evening as I am doing the

Since that's early in the morning, I'll not be ready to post until later in the day.
I have done well with my steps the bast 2 days.  Over 13-15K steps.

Also while visiting, we went to the mall yesterday. What's significant about that is I actually did some clothes shopping while there. The past year, I've bought a new piece here or there as needed. This was the first time I actually bought a handful of items.  There was a really nice sale and I was able to get 7 pieces of clothing (tops and pants) for about $100.  
It's so nice to put on articles that fit just right and don't hang off me.   Now that I have a figure again (vs the "blob"), I feel comfortable wearing fitted items.  Plus the compliments that I've gotten when I do wear fitted item--I don't hate looking at my body like I once did.

I'm heading back home today, so my step totals will drop.  I need to keep busy somehow.

Before I end, consider donating to the Wounded Warrior Project

Friday, August 15, 2014

Random Ramblings

Hey.  I didn't get around to posting like I said I would on Wed.  It's been crazy busy.

I'm in Tenn right now and as soon as I'm finished with this post, I'm off to eat. Starving right now.

This morning was very productive for me. I got in a good nights sleep, walked the dog, and also headed out for a 3.5 mi walk.

I have the Foxtrot coming up next Sunday and I need to make sure I'm going to be able to keep pace. Every time I've timed myself, I've been with the dogs. My pace is about 20 mins/mi.  That happens to be the minimum for the 5K.  Today was my first chance to walk and time myself.  I did very well. 17 & 18 minute miles.   I'm quite pleased with that.

Another thing that made me happy: reactions.  Yesterday when I picked my girlfriend up for the drive down she squealed for me as she saw me. I've lost about 20 more since I last saw her.  My parents were also quite blown away by how I look and it's been 30 lbs since I saw them.

I'm going to be honest, yesterday's trip down as not healthy at all. We ate very badly.  We did stop and one point and did get out to walk for about 10 minutes.   I did promise myself that I would get back on track and I am.   I wanted to have Chipotle for lunch but there isn't one anywhere near here.  So i'm going to have to run and find something that can fit into my diet. I'm not worrying too much though, I'm going to be good.

It's going on 1PM here (2PM back home) and I need to get going.

I weighed myself on two different scales here.  2 lb difference and I went with the heavier one.  I'm down about 3 lbs from last week.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lost track

Truthfully. I lost track of how much I lost from last week.  In my defense, I've been super crazy busy at work and home.

I'm still working my butt off with the diet and such.

Yesterday we went for a 4 mile hike in the park with our neighbor, her kids and the dogs.   It was a good workout.  I got my 10K steps in before lunch. Yay.

I'm quiet exhausted after this busy weekend and I know the week ahead is going to kick my butt as well. 

Sorry no real news..........I'll do a weigh in on Wed since I will be on a road trip over the weekend.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Looking back...

Sorry Jen, you get to be famous for a post ;) You too Stina...

So in a post or two ago I shared a picture of me from 2009 and asked for opinions.  I got them and thank you all for your input.

A little backstory.  In early 2008, I was big. 
Not far from where I'm at now.   I started watching what I ate in order to lose weight because that was the year NKOTB reunited and I had 2 meet & greets with them. I wanted to look good for my pictures.  

I look at the pictures and I don't hate myself.   I'm not skinny but I'm not huge.

October 2008
July 2009
2009 came along and it was a bad year for us. SO much stress and unhappiness going on here. I gained weight. I knew I did and hated it.  That year I had 3 trips. One for work to San Diego. One to Texas for NKOTB with some friends. Then One to Las Vegas to see Depeche Mode. The two personal trips were booked before Rich was laid off.

The picture I shared is from my Texas trip. 

All this time, I thought I had gained-maybe 20 lbs.  I thought I was in the 290s. I had been under the assumption that I gained most of the 300+ weight after I had gotten sick. I didn't start going to the Clinic until May of 2010, so I do not have clear records of my weight during this time.

After trying on the skirt and looking in the mirror, I noticed that my face appeared thinner, as did my legs.   I couldn't have been wrong, could I?   I posted the pic and wanted an unbiased opinion. After doing so, I found that top.   Tried it on and confirmed what I had already began deducing. I had weighed more that I had thought.  I've had a misconception about what I weighed for awhile. It's very confusing.  I weigh probably what I did at the beginning of 2009, before all the stress hit.

So, I'm as small as I was 5 years ago.  Wow.   I'm further along than I thought.   That's how I sort of keep track, where was I at this point in time.    Chugging along.......

So, there you have it: the reason I asked for opinions. 
Onto...working my ass off.

March of 2009
Yesterday was the first Biggest Loser group work out.  I will have you know I pushed myself hard.  It hurt and it hurt like hell, but I did it.  I worked up a good ole sweat and I'm hurting today because of it.   I'm actually impressed with what I did considering, I wouldn't have been able to do most of it when I started Season 9 of the BL at work.  

I still have a long way to go and I am seriously going to try to condition myself to be able to do those exercises so the next time we do this at the end of the season, I can say I improved.    A goal I guess.

April 2014 before P.S.M.F

I went out and bought smaller work out clothes.  It felt weird that I did that. Also clothing-wise, a bunch more of my items are dropped into the big box.  A box which needs to be picked up soon.
It's unreal to me that I have to get rid of all these clothes I've had for years because I no longer fit in them (a good way). 

So, I got my workout in and today I'm taking it easy.  I've decided I've been working my butt off one way or another every day and I deserve a break. 

A little "Housekeeping" if you will. I'm adding some links to my pages at MyFitnessPal and FitBit for those who would like to friend me.  I'm also adding a pictures page so you can see my progress through pictures in one place instead of various posts......

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Happy Sunday.  

I hope you all have had a relaxing weekend.  I have.   I also realized something this week.  Another benefit from my weight loss.  More energy.

Yes, I have more energy and I didn't realize how much that really benefited me until this weekend.   With this increased energy and motivation I have, when I come home from work I have started doing little chores around the house.    Yeah, they're little, BUT they add up.    The little things I'm doing reduce my weekend load.  

Our weekend load was 95% complete by Friday night.   That meant we had Saturday and today to relax.  Crazy.   Laundry done. Dusting done. Vacuuming done. Garage cleaned out. Kitchen cleaned.   It's totally bizarre.     I hope this keeps up. I'd like to have nothing but major projects and relaxing to do on the weekends where no events are planned.

I have some really good news to share.   I have been waiting for this moment for years.   YEARS I tell you! 

One thing you have had to have noticed is that I talk about weight loss pounds, yet I have never spoken about how much I weigh or did weigh.    The reason being...I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed at how much I weighed.  Thoroughly and truly embarrassed.   Yes, I'm a big girl and hold it slightly different than those shorter than me. That doesn't mean I wasn't, and still am, embarrassed at how big I became.  

While I will not share the current info, I want to give you the numbers of where I started at and what I finally overcame.

My big news is: I've crossed that barrier into another weight "class".   I'll explain, so be prepared to read on in horror and shock.

On August 16, 2013 when I went to my Bariatric consult appointments, I weighed in at, ready for it?,  get this--388 lbs.     Yes you read that correctly. THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY EIGHT pounds.   I was knocking on 400s door.  Want to guess what sizes I was wearing?   30/32, 4X, 4 (depending on the store).     I'll give you a moment to digest that information.

Let me tell you about 388 pounds.   A lot of workout equipment (affordable equipment) cannot accommodate that weight.   Outdoor furniture and folding chairs cannot accommodate that.   Some scales do not go that high.   Sitting in an airplane requires an extender and the arm rest to be up when you fly.

Putting on a pair of socks, sitting on the floor, climbing stairs are activities that are not done normally.   Tying my shoe, HA! The joke with a former co-worker who use to tie my shoes all the time, was what would I do when she left? Struggle! That is what I would do.  

So, a little bit over a year ago : 388 lbs., sizes 30/32, 4X, 4.  Look through my blog posts, look at the pictures.  (oooh idea!).    That was me.   A very dear friend said to me that I didn't look like myself.  I agree.  I look at those pictures and I do not recognize that person.    

While a lot of that weight was due to my illness, a portion of it was on me as well.   I acknowledge that completely.

Something happened this week.  I've known for a few days but wanted to make it official with my Sunday weigh in (the one that is recorded).  I passed 300. 
I no longer weight 300+ lbs.   

Do you have ANY idea how big that is to me?   I still have a long way to go, but 200s I am familiar with. 200s I can work with.  200s isn't out of the norm.   
Again, I'm not going to give specific weight amounts right now.  That will be when I make even more progress (which I will!!!!!!!)  

Size wise?  This info isn't so clear.  Not that I'm being evasive, no. It is just I don't shop for too many new clothes. I have a bunch of things in my closet that I could no longer wear.  I'm not getting into them. Some right on time and some, on the way into the donate pile.  Depending on the article of clothing, I am wearing things in the 20-24 range.   2x for some of the sizes.  I haven't bought anything from Target (they are the size 4 stuff) in awhile, so I do not know what that translates into.

Translation for men:  Women's sizes are either the straight number: 14, 16, 18, 20...... or the combined: 14/16, 18/20, 22/24......     Some stores to with the plus sizes of 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x.    

So back on track:   I passed 300 this week.   Big news.  Huge news.   Wonderful news.  
I'm still a bit unbelieving.   I keep waiting for the scale to change it's numbers and go back.

I really do want to thank all my friends and family who give me constant support and encouragement.  I am truly blessed to have you in my life.   
Thank you to the readers I have not met.   Just knowing there are people interested in my progress and cheering me on while hopefully being motivated, means more than you'll know.

As far as my post yesterday in regards to am I bigger or smaller, you'll just have to wait a few more days.  I did get some feedback and I will share with you everything about that in a post later this week.  

So as I wind this puppy down, TOTAL weight loss OFFICIAL: 93 lbs.  Total weight loss unofficial: 88 lbs.  

GO ME!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday Post

Hi. You will still get a Sunday post tomorrow with my weekly status, I just had some things to talk about and I have the time.  

So, I'm continuously cleaning out my closet as I put things on to wear and discover they're loose or I do wear something that drives me crazy because it's falling off of me.  Yes that happens. I still can't believe it myself.

As I mentioned earlier this week, I gave a speech for our Biggest Loser kick-off.  I heard from someone who had not been present that my speech was very inspirational.  Then yesterday I had a nice long conversation with a co-worker about my tips and tricks and all that.   I find I really enjoy giving my knowledge if it will help someone else.   I'm not ever there yet and people ask me for ideas, how I do it, etc...   Maybe that whole motivational speaker thing isn't that far fetched?

Why do people feel inspired by me? I'm still over-weight. I still struggle.  I still have a long way to go.  Maybe those reasons are why?   I'm a normal average anybody struggling with weight issues and just barely winning.   I'm relatable? I'm realistic?  Who knows? 

Aside from those of you who read this blog to support me (and I thank you all. I really do), why do you read?? I'd really like to know.   Am I inspiring or motivating you? Do you just think I'm a nut?  I'm really curious about what makes you come back to read. 

I finally hunkered down and bought a replacement Fitbit.  I came to the realization that THAT may be part of the problem.  When I had the FB before, if I was short 10K, I would push myself for more. Without it, if I was tired. If I was lazy, I wouldn't push myself. 
I bought the Flex, which is a wristband that I can wear 24/7 as long as there is a charge in the battery.  I feel this way I shouldn't misplace it so often. I shouldn't forget to put it on.  Plus it has the nice option of monitoring my sleep.  I really like that option since sleep is something that is precious to me as I once had issues with sleeping.

Ok. Onto the next item.
I need your opinion on something. I can't really judge this on my own for a few reasons, but you can because you do not have the knowledge that I have.

Progress picture time.

June 2013

May 2014
July 5 2014

The outfit went from just barely fitting to hugging the curves to hanging off my body.

OK--onto the thing I need your opinion with.
I'm going to show you this picture of me from July of 2009.  I guess I should put a disclaimer up that it was HOT that day (100+) and we had to wait out in that sunny heat to sign in. I was also drunk. Free wine......yeah not a good combo.   So here's the pic:

Me with Danny Wood July 2009
Ok. Now that you've taken a good look at the picture.   Look at these and give me your opinion. 


 I need you to be HONEST.  How do **I** look? Bigger? Smaller? The Same? It's the same skirt.

Be honest.  Don't be afraid of upsetting me if I look bigger? Tell me.  This is important to me. 

I will explain in a later post why I needed an opinion of someone besides me.

 So, I will see you tomorrow with my weekly check in.   Have a great Saturday!