Sunday, June 29, 2014

uhm. yeah. A little too much of a yummy thing...or two...or three

Insert a picture of a blushing and highly embarrassed Laurie here.

Guess what? I'm only human.

First, we'll start with the ZERO weight loss total. That is correct, I did not lose a lb between weigh ins and have not lost a pound.  Great news is I didn't gain anything either.

Second and most importantly......lack of self control.

I can make up all the excuses I want: It was super hot. I was super hungry. Blah blah blah. In the end the devil on my shoulder was doing a complex jig.

Day 1 of my reefed was a huge failure in terms of healthy eating.   It started off so well too.  Woke up and walked the dogs nearly 2 miles in the sun and heat.  Came home and did a short work out on the bike.

Breakfast was absolutely wonderful.  I had pineapple, a yogurt, & lean ham.  Filling and delicious.
Lunch was great, a lean burger w/a side of mustard.    Things were looking good.

We left for a wedding at 2PM.  It ended up being an outdoor wedding on one of the hottest sunny & slightly humid days this year.

Add in, the reception was held in an outdoor tent which initially was not "open" to allow a breeze or air to flow. 

Add in, we had to wait for the bridal party to finish taking photos.  They had fruit and cookies for our consumption.   I INITIALLY tried to resist. I really did. I had met my fruit requirement for the day.
However as I mentioned it was hot, I was hungry, and I was weak. 

I went up and filled up on fruit and one cookie.  I figured, if I was going to be weak I'd do it on fruit. 
However that 1 cookie. That one delicious and amazing cookie ruined it all.  This cookie ...ungh! Delicious.

So it led the way to 4 more.   After awhile, it came time for dinner.   Then came the rolls.  Yay! I can have 1 (I'm sure it was only suppose to be half of one, but .....forget excuses.. I wanted it dammit!!).  I had a roll with butter.  O.M.G. It was sooooooooo amazingly wonderful.  So ...wonderful.

We finally head to the buffet and I get a Caesar salad, roast beef, chicken and.....pasta.  I should not have had the pasta as I had my starch/grain with the roll.  I should not have, but I did.   Probably 2 servings worth.  (2 servings as in my servings, not regular servings).  It was very good. 

Then this is where it really goes wrong....I went for a few more cookies.  Sigh.  I hang my head in shame.  I had more than the 4 cookies I mentioned earlier. I had this before they brought around the cupcakes.  I only had one and it was way too sweet for me.   It was good, but too sweet.

All the while that I'm having this, I only had a handful of glasses of water.  Some diet pop.  But not nearly enough liquids.

On the way home, I was desperately thirsty.  The drinks we had in the car were way too warm so on the turnpike home, we stopped at.........(nearly whispers) McDonalds.    I got a diet from there to get caffeine in me to stay awake on the drive home.

mumble mumble mumble......... Ok! I had a cheeseburger, or two....but I did only have a handful of fries. I truly mean handful.  I made sure I didn't take more.      So yeah......I TRULY TOTALLY FAILED on day one.

You'll be happy to know my body was not happy with all that. I paid for it this morning as I spent a lot of time in a particular room of my home first thing this morning.

I'm tired and cranky.   I'm so paying for that.  I'm trying to drink as much water as I can.
I did 65 mins. on my bike this morning.  

I'd love to say I"m going to behave today and that WAS the plan. However I'm having my girlfriend (and big supporter) over with her kids for lunch.  Let's just leave it at that. Thank god she won't read this till later to see how much I misbehaved today in conjunction with yesterday.

SO see. I have no self control.   Well I do, I just let go a little too much yesterday.  I'll do better tomorrow.......I promise......

Friday, June 27, 2014


So the appointment finally arrived.   Gretchen was extremely pleased with my progress.  She gave me the option to start the reefed or to do one more month on the diet.  While I would love to stay on and continue to lose a lot more weight.
That being said, I know I have to get off the diet eventually and this is what I wanted, to eat more. Well, I am officially off the hardcore PSMF and have entered the next phase.  I'm very very nervous.  I know I wanted to eat more variety, however now I am scared. 
While on PSMF my daily intake fluctuated between 300-1200 calories.  Obviously it depended on what I ate that day to fall into that range.  I was only eating 14 oz. of lean protein and 2 servings of non-starchy vegetables a day.  Lettuce & celery were unlimited.  
Every refeed plan is different. So if you decided to do this diet, your refeed would be different.
As of today I am now allowed:
Meat14 oz
(minus starchy veggies)
Starch/Grain1 Serving
(starchy veggies)
Fruit1 Serving
Milk1 Serving
Fatas needed

This is only for the first week. It changes slightly for the second and third week. I stop my supplements (related to the diet) during the second week.  I was also warned that during the beginning of the refeed that I will gain about 5 lbs. in water weight. It's unavoidable and it's 'harmless' she says.

Ugh. The thought of gaining any weight is harmful to my state of mind. 

Of course an important item in all of this is that I maintain my working out. That is my walking, my bike, any swimming, and anything that I choose to do for exercise.   So, I need to get back to walking like I did at the end of last summer/beginning of fall.  I've walked but nothing like I was.  I'm not a fan of this heat and in the past it would trigger the fibro.  I've lucked out so far and I hope to continue this streak.

I went shopping today after the appointment and picked up a few items.  Items that I bought: Dannon's Light & Fit 80 calorie/12g Protein yogurt, pineapple,  & grapes. I also bought extra sandwich thins for sandwiches. I get to have a sandwich!!!  I'm not sure where PB falls in this because I have to read the label.  I may not be allowed to have it.

This part is going to be harder as I begin to carefully monitor my portions of certain items.  I've become very proficient at weighing and measuring my food.  I just need to keep track of it. I don't know if my current notebook will work.  We shall see.

So there you have it.  My new feeding plan.  Wish me luck.


PreAppointment Bitching

Ok. I'm beyond frustrated.

Last week I was 1.8 lbs away from the 20 lb. goal and crossing the threshold to a new weight class.

What has happened since then????? The scale went up 2.4, then down 2 then up 1, then down .5.......etc.

OMG. It's killing me.

I didn't get on the scale first thing this morning and a bit later when I did, I wish I hadn't. 
According to it, I'm 4.2 away.

WHAT!!!!!!!??????????????? I want to cry. Why isn't it moving. Last plateau I had, it moved already.    

And I'm not eating a lot!!

OH THE HUMANITY............................................................

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Itis now to the point that I am dreaming about food. How sad am I? I dreamt about burgers and fries. So in the spirit of that, I'm just going to pathetically list foods I would love to be able to eat.
French Fries
Reese Pb Oreos
Peanut butter
Lemon anything pastries
Chocolate Cupcakes
Chocolate peanut butter shakes
Carrot cake
mashed potatoes
Zone perfect Simply perfect bars
Good Greens
Bread on a Sandwich
Pretzel &Salted Carmel ice cream
pretzel's & Chocolate anything
I'm sure there is more, but this is all off the top of my head.
IS there any food you can not live Without?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday 6/22/14

Hey. It's a late posting. I slept in today and then headed out so I didn't have time to post today.

I did the 5K on Friday evening.  While the organization was a big Cluster...eff, I did do the course.  It was a bit of effort since it had rained that day and it was very muddy. It was some effort to not fall, but I did it. 

I'm probably doing another that benefits the Wounded Warrior Project, something I whole heartedly support.   I need to double check the dates for that to make sure I can make it.

This week's loss wasn't too significant as previous weeks, but I still lost.   I'm very close to my next milestone- a new weight class.   I'm really excited about that.   I'm going back to my 2009 weight.   Took four and a half years to gain all that weight and 9 months to lose it.

I'm REALLY looking forward to my Friday appointment to find out what I can eat again. 

As you can see by my tracker at the top, 82 lbs.  That brings our grand total to 86.  Talking with my sister in law today she told me my nephew weighed 85lbs.   I have lost a whole nephew!

Not much else to really discuss at this moment. I'm doing a wedding next weekend and deciding what to wear.  My options include a dress I have yet to wear or 2 that I have worn previously.   My thinking with the one is this may be the last time I get to wear it as I'm sure it's big on me since I last wore it to a wedding in April (since I'm down 48lbs since then).

I'll let you know.

I'm probably not posting until Friday night about the appointment....check back then.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014 Musings (of the future).......Pt 2

As the weight comes off, my anxiousness arises.    At my appointment at the end of next week, I'll be moving towards normal eating.  No more Protein Sparing Modified Fast. 

I've tried to do research on what the re-feeding process entails and have come up with zilch.  You do a search for PSMF and you will find tons of mentions. What I found was written by those who are body builders or low carb dieters. Most of them doing it on their own and for the short term.
No one that I found was on the diet under a physicians care.

It was frustrating because I was reading about their re-feeding and it's really so unrealistic.  I think my blog may be helpful to those out there who want to try this and need to find real information.  Not something who is using it for quick unmonitored weight loss .

I just wanted to get an idea of what in entails. What type of food do I get to add to my diet? How long is each step?  Etc. Etc.  Nothing found.   SO now I just have to wait, albeit impatiently.

I am so afraid I'm going to mess up and lose focus.   I do not want to stop losing weight and I do not want to start overeating. 

I know I have the 'tools' I need to be successful (weighing portions, reading labels, portion control, food logging, exercise), but I am so afraid to fail at this.

I guess I'll just have to be patient & positive.......

June 18, 2014 Musings (of the past)......part 1

Boy do I have a bunch I want to talk about.
First, let's go back in the past.   This is a bit important. I'll start with the notebook I began when I first was getting ready for my bariatric consult. I wanted to make sure I documented all my issues & wishes.

Physical Ailments/Health Issues:
  1. Lower back pain-Severe when standing or walking for more than 5 minutes.
  2. Left knee hurts when walking. Clicks & throbs.
  3. Difficulty getting up from sitting, laying, kneeling
  4. Hands don't support weight when I try to get up (carpal tunnel release surgery)
  5. Sweating and out of breath with physical exertion
  6. Heart burn/Gerd
  7. Sleep Apnea
  8. Do not sleep through the night.
  9. Blood Pressure risen.
  10. Soft tissue--aches
  11. Energy not consistent
  12. No period.
Now:   1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,& 12 are eliminated. 2-occasionally.  7 is the only one really left.

Wish List:
  1. Walk the dogs
  2. Go to concert w/out pain
  3. hike with hubby
  4. maintain energy
  5. sleep through the night
  6. exercise more
  7. go out with friends and not spend the whole next day recovering
  8. Wear wedding band again
  9. tie shoes
  10. cross my legs
  11. not pay extra for plus size clothing
  12. stretch more

Goals set on my blog:

Goals I'm setting myself this week:
1-Getting more steps in.  Trying to average at least 7-8K 
2-Working at least 15-20 mins on my exercise bike for at least 3 days.
3-Another 3 lbs.

This next months goals:  Lose another 20lbs.  Increase my bike time to 45 mins 4x/week. Finally, I want to do a minimum of 10K steps a day.  It's hard on the days I work from home, but I want to work on it

my 2014 Promise to myself is the following-
-- I'll wholeheartedly recommit to my healthier eating
-- I'm going to find ways to exercise even with a bad knee
-- I will lose 10 more lbs. by Jan 31.
-- No matter what, I will try to remain more positive
-- l will walk at LEAST one 5K
-- l will be supportive to my other lifestyle change friends
--I will lose the rest of the weight in 2014!!!
How far I've come........
From the Wishes & Goals list:
I now walk the dogs, hike with hubby, sleep through the night, maintain energy, exercise more, tie shoes, cross my legs, & stretch daily.
My bike exercises are now a minimum of 45 mins. each time.
I will walk my first 5k on Friday.
I'm working on losing the last of the weight this year.
Let's talk numbers:
Weight loss graph 2013
Weight loss-the visuals
 This graph shows the weight loss I had from the very start to the very beginning of this year.

You can see the weight loss and then the plateau and then me starting to slowly creep back upwards.

Below is from the start of this year through today. You can see where it starts to climb and then my drop from the P.S.M.F.


I like seeing that nose dive there.  I just need to keep on going!

Graph 2014
And lastly....the numbers.  I checked out my BMI at the start of this diet and what it is today.  It has dropped 12 points.    

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day.

Good Morning. Happy Father's Day. 

For those of you fortunate to have their fathers still with them, make sure you let them know how much you love and appreciate them.    For those of you without your dads today, I'm sending many hugs your way..

It's a beautiful day here. This whole weekend has been fabulous. 
I've been a pretty good girl, aside from the massive desire to eat cookies or cake or just a sandwich.
Friday night was our monthly girls' night and there were delicious cookies there. I was good.  Like I always try to be.  

I'm curious to how good I'll be when I'm reintroducing foods back into my diet.   And on that note, did you know they made Reese PB cup Oreos?????  My favorite things all mixed together: chocolate and PB AND OREOs????????   I bought some.  I told myself that when I found them I would buy them for the future.  I did and now I just wait till I can try them.

At the girls night on Friday there was a lot of talk about me, my diet, my weight loss, my determination...blah blah blah.  Many of the girls I had not seen in months, so my transformation was obvious to them.  

Sometimes I feel like I talk to much about what I'm going through.   Then again, people seem really interested in how I do it.    It's just weird for me being front and center talking about myself.  However if I can help just one person out, then I'll deal. 

Walked both girls for the first time in awhile yesterday. They're both healthy enough to take the walk.  Athena's healing fantastically. Duchess, despite the setback, is doing great now that she's had the cone & now the 'bubble' thing around her neck.

Well, my next dietician visit will definitely be discussing the re-feeding process. I have 5 lbs. to go and I'll have lost that 20 needed. 

As of today my #'s are:

Weight lost on the PSMF(7 full weeks):    43lbs.
Weight lost according to my tracking scale: 78.8 lbs.
Official MR weight loss:                    82.8 lbs.
Sizes down:                                 3.5 (I'm at that in between size)
Times I've had to clean out my closet for clothing that no longer fits:     2

So I'm making some significant progress.

*I* only see it on the scale and in the clothing. I do not see it in the mirror.  I still see the extremely overweight girl I'm use to seeing.   
My friends kept telling me it's noticeable, but when will I see it? 

I guess I see it mostly in my legs, not really anywhere else. 

So anyhow, enjoy your Father's day! Enjoy the weekend if you're fortunate to have gorgeous weather. Have a great week.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Wendesday Post

Hey. Just a few things to chat about.  

First, work's biggest loser contest: I was runner up.  I got this cute little trophy.  Purdy darn cool if you ask me....which you didn't.

Second, I got rid of a bunch of clothes from my closet the other day.  I also wore an outfit I had not worn in YEARS. It's really neat in some ways.

I'm sad to see some of my favorites go since I can't wear them anymore and I have a few more joining in the next week or so.

I want to talk about this:

This photo was taken just over a year ago, June 9, 2014 (maybe early morning June 10).  
It's no secret that I love NKOTB.  I thoroughly enjoy going to their shows.  Last years tour, I attended three shows.   I had great seats for them and I should have been able to enjoy it as I had in the past.

Last year it was horrible.  I tired myself just walking down the stairs to the floor at the venues. I tired myself climbing up the stairs. I could not stand for the whole show. My back would begin hurting and sitting down was all I could do not to cry tears. 

My experience was tarnished from this.  Even during the after party, I didn't enjoy much because my feet and back were killing me.   I went to two shows back to back --and was thoroughly wiped out. 

Back in 2009, I went to two of their shows back to back in near 100 degree Texas heat and didn't feel that awful.   

When all of this began, my early goals were quite simple.  I wanted to lose enough weight to be able to walk my dogs around the block. I also wanted to lose enough weight to be able to be physically active enough to lose weight.

I achieved those quite easy.   I walk my dogs regularly when the weather permits.  I will be attending 2 more shows next month and will be able to hopefully enjoy them pain free.

Now my goals are quite different.
I want to lose a MINIMUM of 60 more pounds.  
I want to be even more active.
I want to get back to at least a size 18  (conservative goal)
I want to be even more healthy
I want to enjoy a cupcake again.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday 6/8/14

The weekend is over! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

Time flies whenever you're not at work.  I need more vacation days.  How about you? 

Let's get down to business. 
I'm going to confess, even though I miss out on eating a lot of yummy (highly caloried sweet things) food, the diet is getting easier to handle.   The ketosis is definitely doing its job as an appetite suppressant.    And even though I want those highly caloried sweet things, it's all in my head.  I do not crave them.  I don't have sweet cravings at all. I may think of something and be "MMMM. That would taste good about now."  I think if I was truly craving something the way most people crave food, I'd have lost this battle awhile ago.

I found out the results of my blood work on Friday night (quick turn around). Everything is OK.  The aches and pains I'm having are just normal arthritis related I'm guessing.   I don't know if that's good or bad, but it not being uric acid is a good thing.

So, you know how last week I was talking about needing to lose that 20 lbs?  I was concerned I would be struggling to work through it and all that jazz.   Well, 11 more to go.  Since my dietician's visit on the 28th, I lost 9 more lbs.     The running total for my MyFitnessPal meter is 72 lbs.   The grand total (official medical record) is 76 lbs.    Wow.  76, I've lost nearly 80 lbs.  Think about that.  That's a hell of a lot of weight.  I still have so much more to go. 

I feel fabulous though. As I mentioned in my brief post last night, I was out on the town.  I have several things to say about that.  First being, I keep thinking of +80 me.  I would not have gone out and I certainly would not have lasted had I gone.   I could not have done ANY of the walking, standing, or dancing that was done last night. I would have been in too much pain and sweating up a storm. I would have had excruciating pain in my back and knee. I'd have been self conscious and I'd have been absolutely miserable.  Not to mention the getting in and out of the limo would have been a big exercise for me.  Yeah, I would have declined.

Secondly, after we returned back to the bride's house, I decided to drive straight home (an hour and a half drive). I wanted to be in my bed so badly. I was home before 5am and fell right asleep. I woke up around 8 and proceeded to eat, clean and do some more painting.  I then took a 3 hour nap until Rich woke me up.  Now I'm catching up on this.     
+80 me would not have been able to do that. First, I'd have been too exhausted to drive.  If I had made it, after 3 hours of sleep I would have been non-functioning. Painting? Cleaning? No way josé. It would take me the next two days to recover.

Third, I would have drank like a fish. I would have chowed down on all that wonderful smelling food we were offered at the restaurant.  This would have made my bouncing back even more difficult.  No, I drank water and coke zero (for the caffeine).  I ate the salad, ham, and roasted vegetables.   While it was over my daily limit, I ate the things I am allowed to eat.  SO while it was a bit of over-eating, I still was a good girl.    

I may not have known most of the music I heard (I do not listen to the radio. I have no idea what is "current" or "in"). I may have been 1 of 2 sober individuals amongst 13 other drunk ladies, I had a fun time watching. I did get to talk to one of R's cousin who I normally don't get to talk to like that. I also got to spend time talking to his aunt as well. It was cool.

Throughout it all I kept thinking about how I'm so grateful to be able to do that.  During a little incident with a window that refused to role up, I ended up sitting on the floor.  How I was sitting and moving around would have not been possible at +80.  Besides, it makes a funny story to add on to the night.

My main concerns this morning were how the extra pop and food affected my diet. Ketones were lower.  Weight from yesterday morning remained unchanged.  I was a bit more thirsty for water, but I don't feel any negative impact.

So there you have it.   The blood work results from my diet. The weight loss total for the week.  And finally, my celebrating while dieting and how I managed.     

Really, if you're dieting or watching what you are eating, plan ahead. If you know you're going to be in a situation where food is involved either eat ahead of time (I did) or carry something with you that allows you to stick to it.  I brought my own water and pop.  I didn't have to eat at the restaurant, but chose to and stuck to what I was allowed.   

Have a good week. I have the closing ceremonies for our Biggest Loser Competition coming up. My grand total for 8 weeks of work was 31.8 lbs.   If I can do it, you can.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Oh no

I'm currently in the back of a limo. Tonight I attended bachlorette party. I know it's been bad for my diet. In order to stay awake, I drank more diet pop than I should. additionally I ate more veggies than I'm allowed.

My only hope is the walking and dancing helped burn calories. I'm going to drive home tonight so hopefully that will make me stay awake.

Weigh in later....

Friday, June 6, 2014

Uh Oh?

When I had my first rounds of blood work done, my uric acid levels were a little on the high side.   They verified that I wasn't having any leg or foot pains, so they weren't too concerned.

I have noticed some slight pain in my foot and knee.  While the knee issue can be arthritis related, I'm beginning to wonder if it's something else.

I just went for my second round of blood tests and am hoping the uric acid levels are the same or lower. If they rise any, my whole diet is going to be addressed.  

This is one of the things they look at as it isn't totally uncommon to have a rise in the uric acid.  This is another reason why trying this diet without physician monitoring can be bad for your health. 

I'm hoping it's just a coincidence.  I'm seeing success and I want to continue with it.   I may complain about not eating, but I really have made some awesome progress.   Almost 35lbs lost since the second half of April.  

Our Biggest Loser competition wrapped up this week.  My final weight loss total, 31.8lbs. I don't know how that will fit in with overall loss (% lost is a big factor).   Tues is the ceremony, so I'll know then.  

I'll keep you posted on the uric acid results....

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Diappointing week


How was your week?  Those dieting/watching their weight, I hope you had a good week.  If you didn't, don't lose hope.

My week was definitely frustrating to say the least. After my wonderful weigh in last Sunday, the scale was not my friend.   By Tues, I was down two and by Wed, I was back up to Sunday's weight.  It stayed that way until yesterday morning, when I discovered I gained a pound. Say Whaaaaa?

On Wednesday, I met with Gretchen (Dietician).  She was really pleased with my results.  I also discussed with her my frustration over not being able to eat all the wonderful items I've had thrown in front of me recently.  It's just soooo maddening I have to say No and then the scale stalls.
We also discussed the goal we were trying to reach before we start the re-feeding process.  

The results are this:   First, she warned me that my weight loss will start to slow down. The quick lb a day thing was probably going to end and it would move slowly from then on (Yeah no kidding!).
Secondly, 20 more lbs. to go and we'll start weaning me off the diet.

It has been extremely frustrating to not see it move when I'm taking in as few calories as I have.
I guess I need to get more exercise in.  I will try my hardest to achieve that.  

Friday night and Saturday morning, we spent that time painting the family room. While there is no molding or carpet, this was the perfect time.  I tried to put a little more into it so I could burn a few calories (not to mention sore limbs).

Last night we attended a wedding of some friends of ours.   On the good side, I had yummy options: Asparagus, chicken and roast beef.  Plus we started with a yummy salad.  I was able to eat my fill and stay within the confines of my diet.     
Additionally, I was out there on the dance floor for a bit.

I could dance for a bit and there was no pain (aside from the hurting in my calves from the heels.   No back or knee pain.  A year ago, that would have been impossible.

My weigh in with the dietician put my OFFICIAL weight loss at: 68 lbs. (as of 5/28) Remember my official weight loss differs from my record keeping by 4lbs.  It took 4 days to get me a scale before I started keeping track.

An outfit I wore on August 3, I wore again this week. The difference is surprising.   What was once a long tunic, is now a dress on me.  

August 3 2013

May 29 2014
As you can see, I'm not so round anymore. It's noticeable in the face and the middle.  The legs too but I don't think it's as obvious in this photo.

The last thing of note that I have is as of this morning, the scale FINALLY moved!!  I think between the painting and dancing, I finally got my system to kick start.   From the 1 lb. I gained, I lost that and another, for a total of two.  So from LAST week's total, I lost 1 more lb.    Slow but steady.

I'm hoping to continue to have movement downward. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to lose that last 20 lbs.  I want to go back to just watching my calories and allowing myself a snack here or there.  

Last night they had a cupcake table.  DO you understand how good the cupcakes looked. They weren't boring ole flavors either.  It was maddening.   I want CUPCAKES. NO, I just want to have something with a sweet flavor, a change of pace.

Well, that's all I have.  Until next time folks........Thank you so much for reading.