Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014 Musings (of the past)......part 1

Boy do I have a bunch I want to talk about.
First, let's go back in the past.   This is a bit important. I'll start with the notebook I began when I first was getting ready for my bariatric consult. I wanted to make sure I documented all my issues & wishes.

Physical Ailments/Health Issues:
  1. Lower back pain-Severe when standing or walking for more than 5 minutes.
  2. Left knee hurts when walking. Clicks & throbs.
  3. Difficulty getting up from sitting, laying, kneeling
  4. Hands don't support weight when I try to get up (carpal tunnel release surgery)
  5. Sweating and out of breath with physical exertion
  6. Heart burn/Gerd
  7. Sleep Apnea
  8. Do not sleep through the night.
  9. Blood Pressure risen.
  10. Soft tissue--aches
  11. Energy not consistent
  12. No period.
Now:   1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,& 12 are eliminated. 2-occasionally.  7 is the only one really left.

Wish List:
  1. Walk the dogs
  2. Go to concert w/out pain
  3. hike with hubby
  4. maintain energy
  5. sleep through the night
  6. exercise more
  7. go out with friends and not spend the whole next day recovering
  8. Wear wedding band again
  9. tie shoes
  10. cross my legs
  11. not pay extra for plus size clothing
  12. stretch more

Goals set on my blog:

Goals I'm setting myself this week:
1-Getting more steps in.  Trying to average at least 7-8K 
2-Working at least 15-20 mins on my exercise bike for at least 3 days.
3-Another 3 lbs.

This next months goals:  Lose another 20lbs.  Increase my bike time to 45 mins 4x/week. Finally, I want to do a minimum of 10K steps a day.  It's hard on the days I work from home, but I want to work on it

my 2014 Promise to myself is the following-
-- I'll wholeheartedly recommit to my healthier eating
-- I'm going to find ways to exercise even with a bad knee
-- I will lose 10 more lbs. by Jan 31.
-- No matter what, I will try to remain more positive
-- l will walk at LEAST one 5K
-- l will be supportive to my other lifestyle change friends
--I will lose the rest of the weight in 2014!!!
How far I've come........
From the Wishes & Goals list:
I now walk the dogs, hike with hubby, sleep through the night, maintain energy, exercise more, tie shoes, cross my legs, & stretch daily.
My bike exercises are now a minimum of 45 mins. each time.
I will walk my first 5k on Friday.
I'm working on losing the last of the weight this year.
Let's talk numbers:
Weight loss graph 2013
Weight loss-the visuals
 This graph shows the weight loss I had from the very start to the very beginning of this year.

You can see the weight loss and then the plateau and then me starting to slowly creep back upwards.

Below is from the start of this year through today. You can see where it starts to climb and then my drop from the P.S.M.F.


I like seeing that nose dive there.  I just need to keep on going!

Graph 2014
And lastly....the numbers.  I checked out my BMI at the start of this diet and what it is today.  It has dropped 12 points.    

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