Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day.

Good Morning. Happy Father's Day. 

For those of you fortunate to have their fathers still with them, make sure you let them know how much you love and appreciate them.    For those of you without your dads today, I'm sending many hugs your way..

It's a beautiful day here. This whole weekend has been fabulous. 
I've been a pretty good girl, aside from the massive desire to eat cookies or cake or just a sandwich.
Friday night was our monthly girls' night and there were delicious cookies there. I was good.  Like I always try to be.  

I'm curious to how good I'll be when I'm reintroducing foods back into my diet.   And on that note, did you know they made Reese PB cup Oreos?????  My favorite things all mixed together: chocolate and PB AND OREOs????????   I bought some.  I told myself that when I found them I would buy them for the future.  I did and now I just wait till I can try them.

At the girls night on Friday there was a lot of talk about me, my diet, my weight loss, my determination...blah blah blah.  Many of the girls I had not seen in months, so my transformation was obvious to them.  

Sometimes I feel like I talk to much about what I'm going through.   Then again, people seem really interested in how I do it.    It's just weird for me being front and center talking about myself.  However if I can help just one person out, then I'll deal. 

Walked both girls for the first time in awhile yesterday. They're both healthy enough to take the walk.  Athena's healing fantastically. Duchess, despite the setback, is doing great now that she's had the cone & now the 'bubble' thing around her neck.

Well, my next dietician visit will definitely be discussing the re-feeding process. I have 5 lbs. to go and I'll have lost that 20 needed. 

As of today my #'s are:

Weight lost on the PSMF(7 full weeks):    43lbs.
Weight lost according to my tracking scale: 78.8 lbs.
Official MR weight loss:                    82.8 lbs.
Sizes down:                                 3.5 (I'm at that in between size)
Times I've had to clean out my closet for clothing that no longer fits:     2

So I'm making some significant progress.

*I* only see it on the scale and in the clothing. I do not see it in the mirror.  I still see the extremely overweight girl I'm use to seeing.   
My friends kept telling me it's noticeable, but when will I see it? 

I guess I see it mostly in my legs, not really anywhere else. 

So anyhow, enjoy your Father's day! Enjoy the weekend if you're fortunate to have gorgeous weather. Have a great week.

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