Friday, June 6, 2014

Uh Oh?

When I had my first rounds of blood work done, my uric acid levels were a little on the high side.   They verified that I wasn't having any leg or foot pains, so they weren't too concerned.

I have noticed some slight pain in my foot and knee.  While the knee issue can be arthritis related, I'm beginning to wonder if it's something else.

I just went for my second round of blood tests and am hoping the uric acid levels are the same or lower. If they rise any, my whole diet is going to be addressed.  

This is one of the things they look at as it isn't totally uncommon to have a rise in the uric acid.  This is another reason why trying this diet without physician monitoring can be bad for your health. 

I'm hoping it's just a coincidence.  I'm seeing success and I want to continue with it.   I may complain about not eating, but I really have made some awesome progress.   Almost 35lbs lost since the second half of April.  

Our Biggest Loser competition wrapped up this week.  My final weight loss total, 31.8lbs. I don't know how that will fit in with overall loss (% lost is a big factor).   Tues is the ceremony, so I'll know then.  

I'll keep you posted on the uric acid results....

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