Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday 6/8/14

The weekend is over! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

Time flies whenever you're not at work.  I need more vacation days.  How about you? 

Let's get down to business. 
I'm going to confess, even though I miss out on eating a lot of yummy (highly caloried sweet things) food, the diet is getting easier to handle.   The ketosis is definitely doing its job as an appetite suppressant.    And even though I want those highly caloried sweet things, it's all in my head.  I do not crave them.  I don't have sweet cravings at all. I may think of something and be "MMMM. That would taste good about now."  I think if I was truly craving something the way most people crave food, I'd have lost this battle awhile ago.

I found out the results of my blood work on Friday night (quick turn around). Everything is OK.  The aches and pains I'm having are just normal arthritis related I'm guessing.   I don't know if that's good or bad, but it not being uric acid is a good thing.

So, you know how last week I was talking about needing to lose that 20 lbs?  I was concerned I would be struggling to work through it and all that jazz.   Well, 11 more to go.  Since my dietician's visit on the 28th, I lost 9 more lbs.     The running total for my MyFitnessPal meter is 72 lbs.   The grand total (official medical record) is 76 lbs.    Wow.  76, I've lost nearly 80 lbs.  Think about that.  That's a hell of a lot of weight.  I still have so much more to go. 

I feel fabulous though. As I mentioned in my brief post last night, I was out on the town.  I have several things to say about that.  First being, I keep thinking of +80 me.  I would not have gone out and I certainly would not have lasted had I gone.   I could not have done ANY of the walking, standing, or dancing that was done last night. I would have been in too much pain and sweating up a storm. I would have had excruciating pain in my back and knee. I'd have been self conscious and I'd have been absolutely miserable.  Not to mention the getting in and out of the limo would have been a big exercise for me.  Yeah, I would have declined.

Secondly, after we returned back to the bride's house, I decided to drive straight home (an hour and a half drive). I wanted to be in my bed so badly. I was home before 5am and fell right asleep. I woke up around 8 and proceeded to eat, clean and do some more painting.  I then took a 3 hour nap until Rich woke me up.  Now I'm catching up on this.     
+80 me would not have been able to do that. First, I'd have been too exhausted to drive.  If I had made it, after 3 hours of sleep I would have been non-functioning. Painting? Cleaning? No way josé. It would take me the next two days to recover.

Third, I would have drank like a fish. I would have chowed down on all that wonderful smelling food we were offered at the restaurant.  This would have made my bouncing back even more difficult.  No, I drank water and coke zero (for the caffeine).  I ate the salad, ham, and roasted vegetables.   While it was over my daily limit, I ate the things I am allowed to eat.  SO while it was a bit of over-eating, I still was a good girl.    

I may not have known most of the music I heard (I do not listen to the radio. I have no idea what is "current" or "in"). I may have been 1 of 2 sober individuals amongst 13 other drunk ladies, I had a fun time watching. I did get to talk to one of R's cousin who I normally don't get to talk to like that. I also got to spend time talking to his aunt as well. It was cool.

Throughout it all I kept thinking about how I'm so grateful to be able to do that.  During a little incident with a window that refused to role up, I ended up sitting on the floor.  How I was sitting and moving around would have not been possible at +80.  Besides, it makes a funny story to add on to the night.

My main concerns this morning were how the extra pop and food affected my diet. Ketones were lower.  Weight from yesterday morning remained unchanged.  I was a bit more thirsty for water, but I don't feel any negative impact.

So there you have it.   The blood work results from my diet. The weight loss total for the week.  And finally, my celebrating while dieting and how I managed.     

Really, if you're dieting or watching what you are eating, plan ahead. If you know you're going to be in a situation where food is involved either eat ahead of time (I did) or carry something with you that allows you to stick to it.  I brought my own water and pop.  I didn't have to eat at the restaurant, but chose to and stuck to what I was allowed.   

Have a good week. I have the closing ceremonies for our Biggest Loser Competition coming up. My grand total for 8 weeks of work was 31.8 lbs.   If I can do it, you can.

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