Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Wendesday Post

Hey. Just a few things to chat about.  

First, work's biggest loser contest: I was runner up.  I got this cute little trophy.  Purdy darn cool if you ask me....which you didn't.

Second, I got rid of a bunch of clothes from my closet the other day.  I also wore an outfit I had not worn in YEARS. It's really neat in some ways.

I'm sad to see some of my favorites go since I can't wear them anymore and I have a few more joining in the next week or so.

I want to talk about this:

This photo was taken just over a year ago, June 9, 2014 (maybe early morning June 10).  
It's no secret that I love NKOTB.  I thoroughly enjoy going to their shows.  Last years tour, I attended three shows.   I had great seats for them and I should have been able to enjoy it as I had in the past.

Last year it was horrible.  I tired myself just walking down the stairs to the floor at the venues. I tired myself climbing up the stairs. I could not stand for the whole show. My back would begin hurting and sitting down was all I could do not to cry tears. 

My experience was tarnished from this.  Even during the after party, I didn't enjoy much because my feet and back were killing me.   I went to two shows back to back --and was thoroughly wiped out. 

Back in 2009, I went to two of their shows back to back in near 100 degree Texas heat and didn't feel that awful.   

When all of this began, my early goals were quite simple.  I wanted to lose enough weight to be able to walk my dogs around the block. I also wanted to lose enough weight to be able to be physically active enough to lose weight.

I achieved those quite easy.   I walk my dogs regularly when the weather permits.  I will be attending 2 more shows next month and will be able to hopefully enjoy them pain free.

Now my goals are quite different.
I want to lose a MINIMUM of 60 more pounds.  
I want to be even more active.
I want to get back to at least a size 18  (conservative goal)
I want to be even more healthy
I want to enjoy a cupcake again.

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