Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014 Musings (of the future).......Pt 2

As the weight comes off, my anxiousness arises.    At my appointment at the end of next week, I'll be moving towards normal eating.  No more Protein Sparing Modified Fast. 

I've tried to do research on what the re-feeding process entails and have come up with zilch.  You do a search for PSMF and you will find tons of mentions. What I found was written by those who are body builders or low carb dieters. Most of them doing it on their own and for the short term.
No one that I found was on the diet under a physicians care.

It was frustrating because I was reading about their re-feeding and it's really so unrealistic.  I think my blog may be helpful to those out there who want to try this and need to find real information.  Not something who is using it for quick unmonitored weight loss .

I just wanted to get an idea of what in entails. What type of food do I get to add to my diet? How long is each step?  Etc. Etc.  Nothing found.   SO now I just have to wait, albeit impatiently.

I am so afraid I'm going to mess up and lose focus.   I do not want to stop losing weight and I do not want to start overeating. 

I know I have the 'tools' I need to be successful (weighing portions, reading labels, portion control, food logging, exercise), but I am so afraid to fail at this.

I guess I'll just have to be patient & positive.......

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