Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday 6/22/14

Hey. It's a late posting. I slept in today and then headed out so I didn't have time to post today.

I did the 5K on Friday evening.  While the organization was a big Cluster...eff, I did do the course.  It was a bit of effort since it had rained that day and it was very muddy. It was some effort to not fall, but I did it. 

I'm probably doing another that benefits the Wounded Warrior Project, something I whole heartedly support.   I need to double check the dates for that to make sure I can make it.

This week's loss wasn't too significant as previous weeks, but I still lost.   I'm very close to my next milestone- a new weight class.   I'm really excited about that.   I'm going back to my 2009 weight.   Took four and a half years to gain all that weight and 9 months to lose it.

I'm REALLY looking forward to my Friday appointment to find out what I can eat again. 

As you can see by my tracker at the top, 82 lbs.  That brings our grand total to 86.  Talking with my sister in law today she told me my nephew weighed 85lbs.   I have lost a whole nephew!

Not much else to really discuss at this moment. I'm doing a wedding next weekend and deciding what to wear.  My options include a dress I have yet to wear or 2 that I have worn previously.   My thinking with the one is this may be the last time I get to wear it as I'm sure it's big on me since I last wore it to a wedding in April (since I'm down 48lbs since then).

I'll let you know.

I'm probably not posting until Friday night about the appointment....check back then.

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