Friday, June 27, 2014


So the appointment finally arrived.   Gretchen was extremely pleased with my progress.  She gave me the option to start the reefed or to do one more month on the diet.  While I would love to stay on and continue to lose a lot more weight.
That being said, I know I have to get off the diet eventually and this is what I wanted, to eat more. Well, I am officially off the hardcore PSMF and have entered the next phase.  I'm very very nervous.  I know I wanted to eat more variety, however now I am scared. 
While on PSMF my daily intake fluctuated between 300-1200 calories.  Obviously it depended on what I ate that day to fall into that range.  I was only eating 14 oz. of lean protein and 2 servings of non-starchy vegetables a day.  Lettuce & celery were unlimited.  
Every refeed plan is different. So if you decided to do this diet, your refeed would be different.
As of today I am now allowed:
Meat14 oz
(minus starchy veggies)
Starch/Grain1 Serving
(starchy veggies)
Fruit1 Serving
Milk1 Serving
Fatas needed

This is only for the first week. It changes slightly for the second and third week. I stop my supplements (related to the diet) during the second week.  I was also warned that during the beginning of the refeed that I will gain about 5 lbs. in water weight. It's unavoidable and it's 'harmless' she says.

Ugh. The thought of gaining any weight is harmful to my state of mind. 

Of course an important item in all of this is that I maintain my working out. That is my walking, my bike, any swimming, and anything that I choose to do for exercise.   So, I need to get back to walking like I did at the end of last summer/beginning of fall.  I've walked but nothing like I was.  I'm not a fan of this heat and in the past it would trigger the fibro.  I've lucked out so far and I hope to continue this streak.

I went shopping today after the appointment and picked up a few items.  Items that I bought: Dannon's Light & Fit 80 calorie/12g Protein yogurt, pineapple,  & grapes. I also bought extra sandwich thins for sandwiches. I get to have a sandwich!!!  I'm not sure where PB falls in this because I have to read the label.  I may not be allowed to have it.

This part is going to be harder as I begin to carefully monitor my portions of certain items.  I've become very proficient at weighing and measuring my food.  I just need to keep track of it. I don't know if my current notebook will work.  We shall see.

So there you have it.  My new feeding plan.  Wish me luck.


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