Friday, July 15, 2016


Hey folks. I'm still here trudging along.

Day 4 of the 21 Day Fix.  
Yesterday's shake was Vanilla w/ChocPB2. Yumm!  Workout was Lower Fix (Legs). I really struggled with that.
My knee is really hurt and I finally called to see the orthopedic doc again.   It's not been right since I fell on it and the exercise has put a strain on it.   Sigh.

Today's shake was Chocolate with Strawberries. I didn't put enough strawberries in to make a dent, but it was decent.

I also snuck on the scale.   Not a big amount but it is moving in the right direction.

Two things I've noticed. Not sure if they're related just yet, but I'm going to put them out there.

First. Normally I go to bed at 8-8:30. I'm exhausted and have to get up early.   Lately I have been up long past. Like last night, I was OUT until 10PM w/the dogs.   I came home and fell asleep--not getting up once!  So more energy??   Stay tuned...

Second. My aches and pains.  Lately, besides the sensitivity in my shins and lower legs (you can't put any pressure on them because the pain is unbearable), the only aches and pains seem to be related to my workouts.
Am I too focused on that to notice the other?  Another thing to watch for.

Third (yes I know I said two things).  I'm finding it hard to eat more often.  Like yesterday it was a real struggle.  I ended up eating more at dinner and had less meals.   Is this finally working or is my working from home focusing me on work and not my stomach?

SO many questions.  

Vanilla w/ChocPB2

Another workout complete

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