Thursday, July 21, 2016

Check In

Hey. I didn't have time or energy to post the other day when I did my weekly check in on the scale.  It was very good news.  I was down another 10 lbs. Pleasantly shocked-that's what I definitely was.

I've been doing very well overall. I'm under my calorie goal. I'm working out daily for 30 mins of hell (except the Upper Fix, I seem do get through that ok).  I'm eating my fruits, veggies, limited carbs, and my daily shakeo.

I will admit I don't think I'm going to continue with the chocolate shake when I reorder.  I made the Chocolate and Strawberries again (with a bunch of ripe strawberries) and it was better than last time, but nothing too awesome.

I did make the Pina Colada one.  It was ok.  The coconut extract just doesn't cut it for coconut.  I'm going to search for some good recipes.   I want FLAVOR.  I want yummy flavor.

Yesterday we went to dinner with some friends. Hibachi.   I changed up what I usually order.  I usually get steak and shrimp....but I went with Shrimp & chicken.   I dislike the hibachi chicken and still do.    I just made it under my calorie goal, but I was--key word UNDER!

A downside to all this is I have done more loads of dishes in the past week than I've done all year.   I'm sick of dishes!

I've stuck to all my workouts. When my knee starts to hurt, and it has as I've moved wrong several times, I modify the workout to make sure I do no more damage.    Just 2 weeks until I see the doc about the knee.  I'm hoping a shot will do and nothing major that would put me out of commission.

Peryn's been keeping me company as I work out.  Sometimes it's funny (when he kisses me when I'm on the ground for floor workout) and sometimes it's irritating (when he wants to play fetch and I'm ignoring him).

That's about it for now.    Check with you later!!

The photo of the food: spinach,cheese, and sun-dried tomatoes stuffed chicken 

another workout complete

most delicious meal ever

And another workout completed.

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