Saturday, July 16, 2016

secret post #2

July 12-Tuesday
I didn't re-read the last post, so I don't remember what I said.  

I believe I mentioned I am going to do the 21 day Fix challenge.   Prior to that, I was monitoring what I ate and logging everything.

Friday-Monday was a bust of sorts.  We had a death in the family and my AC was on the fritz. Those two circumstances didn't promote healthy eating.  However I did log everything-good or bad. And I did watch what I chose to eat.  

I am starting the 21 day challenge a day behind the rest of my "group".  I kind of combined my taking measurements, food prep, and day one into today.

I was pleasantly surprised when i got on the scale.   I've lost 4 lbs or more.  Truth be told my original weight was more than my scale allowed to report.   I'm back in reporting territory so that is REALLY good news.

I originally had taken yesterday and today off to attend a concert in Detroit. That didn't happen as my family was in town for the funeral service.  While I didn't attend the concert, I am glad to have today off as to get caught up with what I didn't get to this weekend.  Taking the pups to the park, chores, and Nutrition.

My first workout will be later on.   I didn't do it this morning as my regular mornings do not allow for it, so I will keep the afternoon schedule!

I am cautiously optimistic  .....

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