Friday, July 29, 2016

More than just a number

Happy Friday.

So, I wanted to take time in today's blog to talk about the positive changes I've noticed these past 3 weeks.   None of this has anything to do with the scale either.

First, my frustrating news.   I took all my measurements back on July 12 and entered them into my beachbody account. This time I was tracking EVERYTHING.    Well, yesterday morning I discovered none of it saved.   I was devastated.  I had a vague recollection of what the numbers should have been and did a remeasure and went from there.
Is it perfect? No.   Is it going to be correct? No.   Will it give me a gauge? possibly.   We won't know for sure until Tuesday when I measure again.

That being said, I don't need any numbers to tell me how I'm doing.   I can see it.   How long until others do? Who knows? Who cares?  I know what I see and feel.    Hubby can tell, he's made several positive comments.

I see it in my face.  While it's still chubby, it's narrower than it was.   I see it in my middle.  Where I was once blubbery and ...fat... I can see there is MUCH less than it was.  I see it in the mirror without clothes. This morning I found another facet that impressed me.    I see it in my clothing, how it fits.   I feel it when I move.  Not counting the bum knee, everything else feels good.   I have an achy back that needs a massage, but I have less pain than before.      I have more range of movement and flexibility than I did 4 weeks ago.

Walking, again not counting the knee, I don't have the pain in the back that I was getting.
Now, once we have this knee looked at...and hopefully nothing more than a shot will help..I may be able to do much more.

I noticed it in my workouts this week. When I started 3 weeks ago, I barely used weights in the workouts. Then I upped it to my lower weights.   I kept at that on and off until it was mostly on.
This week I moved up to the next set of weights I have. Been using them.

Additionally, 2 of the 3 days I've worked out this week have been double workouts.  Well, the second day it was 20 of 30 minutes, but I still sweated and pushed it.

So, all this tells me is that no matter what the scale says, I'm making some big progress.  Yes, I'd like the scale to really go down, but I like that I can SEE results.   I can see results before I feel the clothes on me getting looser.

I have always known that once I could find my focus I would be successful, it was just getting started.

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