Sunday, July 31, 2016

Day 20

Hey! Hope your weekend was fabulous.   Mine--it was decent.   We got stuff accomplished and had some fun.

Friday night we went to the drive in. I didn't eat the best this day I will admit.  Doesn't matter. I worked out and got right back into it by Saturday.  

Tomorrow is day 21 of the 21 Day Fix.   I will not be stopping after that.   I have too much to lose to do that.   Besides, I'm liking the results and will happily continue.  
Tuesday I will take new measurements and see what the end results are.

Yesterday and Today I worked out in the morning.  I love how I feel the rest of the day afterwards.  I wish I could do it everyday.    I already wake up at 4:15 to get ready for work and out the door by 5:10 am.   If I could find a way to do it-work out first thing and get to work on time--or at least a half hour later, I would.  

Today's breakfast was PB & banana pancakes.    1 Banana, 2 eggs, & 2 Tbs of PB2 mixed together.  Cooked in the pan until both sides golden ....   Not bad.  I would have LOVED to have had some maple syrup, but that is too many calories and too much sugar.      Need to look into alternatives.

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