Friday, July 15, 2016

uh. yeah. so.....

July 7, 2016
uh....hi? You're still here checking in on me?  Boy do I feel bad. I see you also noticed I haven't had an update in ....yeah awhile.

Here's the deal. With the injuries and pain, my desire to stay motivated disappeared.  I have all the tools I need and know what I need to do, but I just didn't care.

Earlier this year I sustained two injuries that have made a significant impact on my ability to work out.
The fall on my tailbone took months to heal. It hurt to sit on my butt to try and do any sort of exercise.  So I avoided it.
The fall on my knees...yeah that hasn't helped.  I should have gone to an orthopedic to have it looked at. in fact it's been on my to do list for months. I just get so caught up in work, making a phone call gets pushed to the wayside.

The knee hurts daily. It hurts when sitting. It REALLY hurts when moving...or not moving.   I am going to call.  Part of the issue is, now as I type this up at7am, is the most free time I have. Who is open at this time?

So ...why am I writing with more excuses.   Truth-I'm going to type this up and hold of hitting the posting button until I can see if I stick to it. Why post something if nothing is going to follow.

So about 2 months ago a friend of mine became a beach body coach.  She provided information to me and I researched it a great deal, but due to cost and skepticism I declined.

Fast forward about two weeks and my wonderful sister in law informs me she is a coach and tries to get me involved with it as well.  I do more research and still say no.
She did include me in a group to provide support and suggestions and I read them.  I read them, but did nothing.

My knee hurts. My back hurts.  I don't even have the motivation anymore.....

Then two things happened within days of each other.   First others on the group who were doing the 21 day fix began posting photos before and after photos.    Wow.  21 days and wow.  

I really looked at the photos of me and ....I just can't look at myself anymore. I researched this 21 Day Fix and saw the workouts are only 30 minutes.   Thirty minutes.      Maybe...just maybe I can do this.    I know myself and once I begin seeing progress, I'll be full on board.     

So...yeah. I purchased the 21 Day Fix Challenge pack that included my containers and my first shipment of Shakeology.

I received my box yesterday.  The "challenge" doesn't start until Sunday the 11th. 
I have started watching my food intake and logging my calories again -as of Tuesday.  Sort of prepping myself for this.   

I did just finish (as I was composing this) my very first Shake.  I used coconut milk-unsweetened, a packet of chocolate PB2, and a vanilla shakeology packet.   At first it was a bit....different. I didn't hate it.  As I drank it though, I really grew to like my little concoction.   Now that I am finished, I will say it was very yummy.

According to MFP, it was 231 calories.   Between my breakfast and shake, I'm 430 calories in for the day.  Not bad. 
Considering I have a heck of a lot more calories available to me for the rest of the day, that  is a tiny dent.

This should be interesting........  I guess we'll see.....

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