Sunday, July 31, 2016

Day 20

Hey! Hope your weekend was fabulous.   Mine--it was decent.   We got stuff accomplished and had some fun.

Friday night we went to the drive in. I didn't eat the best this day I will admit.  Doesn't matter. I worked out and got right back into it by Saturday.  

Tomorrow is day 21 of the 21 Day Fix.   I will not be stopping after that.   I have too much to lose to do that.   Besides, I'm liking the results and will happily continue.  
Tuesday I will take new measurements and see what the end results are.

Yesterday and Today I worked out in the morning.  I love how I feel the rest of the day afterwards.  I wish I could do it everyday.    I already wake up at 4:15 to get ready for work and out the door by 5:10 am.   If I could find a way to do it-work out first thing and get to work on time--or at least a half hour later, I would.  

Today's breakfast was PB & banana pancakes.    1 Banana, 2 eggs, & 2 Tbs of PB2 mixed together.  Cooked in the pan until both sides golden ....   Not bad.  I would have LOVED to have had some maple syrup, but that is too many calories and too much sugar.      Need to look into alternatives.

Friday, July 29, 2016

More than just a number

Happy Friday.

So, I wanted to take time in today's blog to talk about the positive changes I've noticed these past 3 weeks.   None of this has anything to do with the scale either.

First, my frustrating news.   I took all my measurements back on July 12 and entered them into my beachbody account. This time I was tracking EVERYTHING.    Well, yesterday morning I discovered none of it saved.   I was devastated.  I had a vague recollection of what the numbers should have been and did a remeasure and went from there.
Is it perfect? No.   Is it going to be correct? No.   Will it give me a gauge? possibly.   We won't know for sure until Tuesday when I measure again.

That being said, I don't need any numbers to tell me how I'm doing.   I can see it.   How long until others do? Who knows? Who cares?  I know what I see and feel.    Hubby can tell, he's made several positive comments.

I see it in my face.  While it's still chubby, it's narrower than it was.   I see it in my middle.  Where I was once blubbery and ...fat... I can see there is MUCH less than it was.  I see it in the mirror without clothes. This morning I found another facet that impressed me.    I see it in my clothing, how it fits.   I feel it when I move.  Not counting the bum knee, everything else feels good.   I have an achy back that needs a massage, but I have less pain than before.      I have more range of movement and flexibility than I did 4 weeks ago.

Walking, again not counting the knee, I don't have the pain in the back that I was getting.
Now, once we have this knee looked at...and hopefully nothing more than a shot will help..I may be able to do much more.

I noticed it in my workouts this week. When I started 3 weeks ago, I barely used weights in the workouts. Then I upped it to my lower weights.   I kept at that on and off until it was mostly on.
This week I moved up to the next set of weights I have. Been using them.

Additionally, 2 of the 3 days I've worked out this week have been double workouts.  Well, the second day it was 20 of 30 minutes, but I still sweated and pushed it.

So, all this tells me is that no matter what the scale says, I'm making some big progress.  Yes, I'd like the scale to really go down, but I like that I can SEE results.   I can see results before I feel the clothes on me getting looser.

I have always known that once I could find my focus I would be successful, it was just getting started.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016

Salted Carmel

Dirty 30 Completed

Hey. How is your Monday going?  Ok here.  I'd say nothing to complain about, but I really hate Yoga.   That was today's workout.  I'm sure it wouldn't be so horrible if they didn't move so fast.  When you have bad knees, keeping up isn't as easy as it sounds.  
Oh well.

I've worked out everyday for 2 whole weeks now.   We're into the final week of the 21 day fix.   They recommend doubling up on exercises the final week. I would like to, but I am trying to figure out when the heck would I be able to?  We'll see....

Tonight I made shrimp tacos for dinner.  I'm so not a fan of corn tortillas. Ugh.   I didn't have fresh cilantro, so I made it with the dried cilantro.  Made a huge difference, it was sort of blandish. Of course after dinner I remembered I had an cilantro avocado dressing that would have spiced it up real nice.....smh.

I went to a cook out down in Columbus on Saturday and didn't necessarily eat as well as I had been.  I kept portions to a minimum and drank water.   So I think I still did relatively well.  

Yummy Saturday Breakfast
Progress...I see some of  it. It's subtle but I can tell. I return to work tomorrow after being away for most of the time I've been working on this, so I wonder if anyone will notice something different. I don't think I've lost enough to be noticeable, but I would hope something would seem different...

Today's Shakeo was Vanilla with 1/2c of coconut milk and 1/2c of Artic Zero Salted Carmel.   It was the thickest & creamiest shake I've had to date.  It was ok.
Saturday I made myself an Orange Creamsicle and it was yummy!!!

My sister in law was kind enough to get me some Greenberry to try. I found a nice recipe to try tomorrow, so I'll let you know.     Uhm...Well, I am kind of tired and I return to work tomorrow (physically vs telework) so it's going to be a long day.   I'll keep you updated on any progress made.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Check In

Hey. I didn't have time or energy to post the other day when I did my weekly check in on the scale.  It was very good news.  I was down another 10 lbs. Pleasantly shocked-that's what I definitely was.

I've been doing very well overall. I'm under my calorie goal. I'm working out daily for 30 mins of hell (except the Upper Fix, I seem do get through that ok).  I'm eating my fruits, veggies, limited carbs, and my daily shakeo.

I will admit I don't think I'm going to continue with the chocolate shake when I reorder.  I made the Chocolate and Strawberries again (with a bunch of ripe strawberries) and it was better than last time, but nothing too awesome.

I did make the Pina Colada one.  It was ok.  The coconut extract just doesn't cut it for coconut.  I'm going to search for some good recipes.   I want FLAVOR.  I want yummy flavor.

Yesterday we went to dinner with some friends. Hibachi.   I changed up what I usually order.  I usually get steak and shrimp....but I went with Shrimp & chicken.   I dislike the hibachi chicken and still do.    I just made it under my calorie goal, but I was--key word UNDER!

A downside to all this is I have done more loads of dishes in the past week than I've done all year.   I'm sick of dishes!

I've stuck to all my workouts. When my knee starts to hurt, and it has as I've moved wrong several times, I modify the workout to make sure I do no more damage.    Just 2 weeks until I see the doc about the knee.  I'm hoping a shot will do and nothing major that would put me out of commission.

Peryn's been keeping me company as I work out.  Sometimes it's funny (when he kisses me when I'm on the ground for floor workout) and sometimes it's irritating (when he wants to play fetch and I'm ignoring him).

That's about it for now.    Check with you later!!

The photo of the food: spinach,cheese, and sun-dried tomatoes stuffed chicken 

another workout complete

most delicious meal ever

And another workout completed.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday-July 17, 2016

Hey.  I don't know if I will be posting as often as I have been.  I've been using this as an additional way to stay on track.

Today's workout was the Dirty 30.  It was actually easier to follow along with than the Pilates or the Lower fix.   I feel nice and worked.   

I'm still doing well. Yesterday I had this delicious breakfast: 
Steel cut Oats with strawberries, Toasted Coconut greek yogurt, & a pineapple juice.

Today it was similiar, the yogurt was Vanilla instead of toasted coconut and I added a piece of ham instead of the juice.

I think I love the oats. Never had them before and I love them.   One of these days I'll try it without the strawberries and maybe another fruit?

For lunch I made chicken fajitas. Rich with tortillas, me without.  It was YUMMY! Really happy with myself. I also made a side of refried beans and brown rice with fiesta lime seasoning and some mexicorn.

All carefully measured out in the appropriate color coordinated containers.

Cooking of the fajita veggies
I don't have pictures of the whole meal, but you can enjoy the yumminess you see here.

Kirkwood-Pepper & Lime Chicken

For TODAY's yummy Shakeo, We went with Chocolate and ChocoPB2.  MUCH better than just the plain PB2.   I enjoyed that one as well. Tomorrow, I think I am going to try vanilla with pineapple juice and coconut extract.  Piña Colada.   

All morning yesterday, I was cleaning and working up a sweat doing so. Last night the hub and I went for a short walk (my suggestion) and today at the dog park, we walked the wooded trail.  Slow and steady.  Knee didn't hurt as much today (it did hurt). very mild back pain, which reminds me i need to schedule my massage!

 Tuesday will mark 1 week since starting the 21 day fix.  I'll do an official weigh in then (I've done sneak peaks).

I did buy a dress to wear to this wedding I have coming up...It's cute, it was on clearance, and I have a feeling that in 4 weeks it may not fit....Part of me is like...yeah.....awesome.  THe other part of me is like...UGH....wasted $$...Guess which I'm voting for?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Strawberry Banana


So today's shake was a Strawberry shakeology with Coconut Milk and a whole banana.
Yum Yum Yummy.

My knee is killing me and stiff.

Yet I still did my 30 min exercise-made more difficult by Peryn stealing my weights every time I put them down.

Still hanging in.  
Still under my calorie goal.

Hoping i don't give up....

I survived.

Today was tough.
First I had to fight through a very unhealthy craving to stop for fast food. It was a close call.
Next I had to fight my way through my first 21 day fix workout-Total Body Cardio Fix.

The workout-it was hell.   I struggled through, but i did it.  I even texted my coach and SIL and told her I hated her.   I don't really.  Not even close. I love that girl.

So I struggled through the pain and the sweat and Peryn trying to lick me to death as I lay on the ground, but I finished. I hurt. I sweat.  And I feel very energized.  Ugh. That's the part I hate the endorphins running through your body making you feel good in spite of the pain ;)
i survived.

All the dog hair

Dinner earlier  (Chicken was finishing up)
My bedtime is now and I'm too hyped to sleep.........

secret post #2

July 12-Tuesday
I didn't re-read the last post, so I don't remember what I said.  

I believe I mentioned I am going to do the 21 day Fix challenge.   Prior to that, I was monitoring what I ate and logging everything.

Friday-Monday was a bust of sorts.  We had a death in the family and my AC was on the fritz. Those two circumstances didn't promote healthy eating.  However I did log everything-good or bad. And I did watch what I chose to eat.  

I am starting the 21 day challenge a day behind the rest of my "group".  I kind of combined my taking measurements, food prep, and day one into today.

I was pleasantly surprised when i got on the scale.   I've lost 4 lbs or more.  Truth be told my original weight was more than my scale allowed to report.   I'm back in reporting territory so that is REALLY good news.

I originally had taken yesterday and today off to attend a concert in Detroit. That didn't happen as my family was in town for the funeral service.  While I didn't attend the concert, I am glad to have today off as to get caught up with what I didn't get to this weekend.  Taking the pups to the park, chores, and Nutrition.

My first workout will be later on.   I didn't do it this morning as my regular mornings do not allow for it, so I will keep the afternoon schedule!

I am cautiously optimistic  .....

Friday, July 15, 2016


Hey folks. I'm still here trudging along.

Day 4 of the 21 Day Fix.  
Yesterday's shake was Vanilla w/ChocPB2. Yumm!  Workout was Lower Fix (Legs). I really struggled with that.
My knee is really hurt and I finally called to see the orthopedic doc again.   It's not been right since I fell on it and the exercise has put a strain on it.   Sigh.

Today's shake was Chocolate with Strawberries. I didn't put enough strawberries in to make a dent, but it was decent.

I also snuck on the scale.   Not a big amount but it is moving in the right direction.

Two things I've noticed. Not sure if they're related just yet, but I'm going to put them out there.

First. Normally I go to bed at 8-8:30. I'm exhausted and have to get up early.   Lately I have been up long past. Like last night, I was OUT until 10PM w/the dogs.   I came home and fell asleep--not getting up once!  So more energy??   Stay tuned...

Second. My aches and pains.  Lately, besides the sensitivity in my shins and lower legs (you can't put any pressure on them because the pain is unbearable), the only aches and pains seem to be related to my workouts.
Am I too focused on that to notice the other?  Another thing to watch for.

Third (yes I know I said two things).  I'm finding it hard to eat more often.  Like yesterday it was a real struggle.  I ended up eating more at dinner and had less meals.   Is this finally working or is my working from home focusing me on work and not my stomach?

SO many questions.  

Vanilla w/ChocPB2

Another workout complete

uh. yeah. so.....

July 7, 2016
uh....hi? You're still here checking in on me?  Boy do I feel bad. I see you also noticed I haven't had an update in ....yeah awhile.

Here's the deal. With the injuries and pain, my desire to stay motivated disappeared.  I have all the tools I need and know what I need to do, but I just didn't care.

Earlier this year I sustained two injuries that have made a significant impact on my ability to work out.
The fall on my tailbone took months to heal. It hurt to sit on my butt to try and do any sort of exercise.  So I avoided it.
The fall on my knees...yeah that hasn't helped.  I should have gone to an orthopedic to have it looked at. in fact it's been on my to do list for months. I just get so caught up in work, making a phone call gets pushed to the wayside.

The knee hurts daily. It hurts when sitting. It REALLY hurts when moving...or not moving.   I am going to call.  Part of the issue is, now as I type this up at7am, is the most free time I have. Who is open at this time?

So ...why am I writing with more excuses.   Truth-I'm going to type this up and hold of hitting the posting button until I can see if I stick to it. Why post something if nothing is going to follow.

So about 2 months ago a friend of mine became a beach body coach.  She provided information to me and I researched it a great deal, but due to cost and skepticism I declined.

Fast forward about two weeks and my wonderful sister in law informs me she is a coach and tries to get me involved with it as well.  I do more research and still say no.
She did include me in a group to provide support and suggestions and I read them.  I read them, but did nothing.

My knee hurts. My back hurts.  I don't even have the motivation anymore.....

Then two things happened within days of each other.   First others on the group who were doing the 21 day fix began posting photos before and after photos.    Wow.  21 days and wow.  

I really looked at the photos of me and ....I just can't look at myself anymore. I researched this 21 Day Fix and saw the workouts are only 30 minutes.   Thirty minutes.      Maybe...just maybe I can do this.    I know myself and once I begin seeing progress, I'll be full on board.     

So...yeah. I purchased the 21 Day Fix Challenge pack that included my containers and my first shipment of Shakeology.

I received my box yesterday.  The "challenge" doesn't start until Sunday the 11th. 
I have started watching my food intake and logging my calories again -as of Tuesday.  Sort of prepping myself for this.   

I did just finish (as I was composing this) my very first Shake.  I used coconut milk-unsweetened, a packet of chocolate PB2, and a vanilla shakeology packet.   At first it was a bit....different. I didn't hate it.  As I drank it though, I really grew to like my little concoction.   Now that I am finished, I will say it was very yummy.

According to MFP, it was 231 calories.   Between my breakfast and shake, I'm 430 calories in for the day.  Not bad. 
Considering I have a heck of a lot more calories available to me for the rest of the day, that  is a tiny dent.

This should be interesting........  I guess we'll see.....