Thursday, October 10, 2013

after surprise

This will post after the surprise post.

So far the experience is ok.  Got to the park n fly lot, that went really easy.

At the airport, no pain standing in line (both times). Got to the front & my boarding pass (on my phone) would not scan. I had to go back to the counter to get a printed pass.
Then I stood in line again. Passed security.

Walked all the way down to the United Club. Used my free pass. Am currently sitting at one of the desks using my Chormebook.

Received an email that the flight is delayed 40 minutes. GRRRRRRRRR. I knew things were going too smoothly.

Good thing I'm in the United Club to rest.

Will update later.

It's an hour or so later. This United club is purdy darn nice.  Free beverages (too bad I  can't have a beer or glass of wine).  Comfy seats. Free snacks.  

The only thing that sucks is I should have been boarding already. I keep getting email updates in regards to my flight.  Current info is that we're leaving 50 minutes after originally scheduled.  It's better than one of the previous updates. I'm suppose to report to the gate in 20 minutes.   I will. I am just enjoying my time here.  

If you plan to fly semi-regularly, I highly suggest you investing in a credit card (tied to an airline) to earn miles. I first got my miles through Key's debit card. It earned Continental miles. These miles transferred to United. I've flown 3 or 4 times for free.  Well free plus security fees. I get to check a bag free and you get 2 United Club passes a year.  Mine were expiring this month. I just got my next 2, so I made sure I used them this trip.

What I earned by signing up with United credit card.
$50 credit on my first bill (It covered my security fees).  For having a second signer, we earned 5000 miles. And for spending $1000 in the first 3 months, I earned 25000 miles.  THAT right there is a free flight when you book early enough.

Never thought it would come in handy to visit my parents.

Well, I'm going to shut down so I can go use the restroom & make my way to the gate.

So I made my way to my gate. Get this. I'm leaving from the D terminal. First time for me. I WALKED the whole connector. Did not use the people movers at all.

Next hurdle... The seats.

Plane is here. It's 5:17. Hopefully we'll be boarding soon. The plane is tiny. Will I fit?

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