Thursday, October 10, 2013


Discovered this recently.

I'm working from home today (to save time and money).  I've had these before today but I just had one and since I"m right next to my laptop, I'm sharing.

Yumminess. Tomatoe & Lettuce not included
Not just for dieters
See this product here?? These are divine. So full of flavor and not too bad for those health conscious individuals out there.

I've been having these w/a piece of Market Pantry's (Target) Mozzerella cheese which adds 60 calories.
I have to be careful because I could eat these non stop.   Luckily with 23 grams of protein, they help fill me up.

I found these at BJ's, but in searching for an image, I see they're also at Sams & Cotsco.
Trust me, a quick snack that has flavor and only 280 calories?  They're not super tiny so you're not starving after.
I do not put anything other than the piece of cheese on it.   Does't need it.

You can keep it frozen or refrigerated.  I suggest the fridge as it's quicker to cook up without involving microwave thaw.

From fridge to microwave, 45 seconds. It's hot. It's ready. It's delicious.

I randomly chose Lays Potato chips as an example.
Fifteen chips is a serving.  If you're hungry looking for a snack, unless you're very disciplined, you'll eat more like 30.

For those 30 chips:
320 Calories, 20 G of fat. and 4 grams of protein. Not to mention 700 g of sodium.

compare it to one sandwich.
280 calories. 9 G of at. 15 grams of protein & only 490 in sodium. SOOOOOOOOOOOO (get it) much healthier and filling.

So there's my recommendation.

For those hoping to hear about my goal, I'm at work.  Later today I'll find out if my goal was reached. Check back later tonight.

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