Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 2 & 3

Happy Sunday.

While today would normally be a weigh in day, since I am not near a scale, you have to wait a few days.  I'm very curious as I didn't weigh myself before I left.

I've been keeping myself active with several walks with Jack.  Also, I had been walking approximately 2 miles at this one spot. Yesterday, however, my phone paid the ultimate price at the start of my walk.   My screen is shattered.  The phone is out of stock at the only 2 places to get it (for regular price, not the outrageous price they're asking for on Amazon).

Also yesterday, I had a very good look at how eating out is bad for you.   We went to Logan's Roadhouse and my meal was 2002 calories. Oh dear lord.   You can rest assure I did not eat anything else (except my snack of celery much much later).   I had a steak, shrimp & potatoes.   The two rolls I had were 454 calories but the rest was all dinner.   Rest assured, I was UNDER my daily calorie limit in spite of THAT meal.

Today, I started the day with Jack & my daily walk.   We had lunch at Olive Garden. I had the Capellini Pomodoro with Shrimp. Well, I ate half of it. I was quite full.  That was yummy. I could have had 4 orders in order to catch up with yesterday's meal.

My mother & I went to the mall and walked around.   Dear lord are they friendly here. I think every person who worked at the places we went were all smiley and "Hello", "How are you", "Have a great day" and it was soooo nice!   Gives a northerner like me the creeps! ;)

I have a walk scheduled for later.  I'm at 6K steps.  Today is a little lite in that area.   But then again, I didn't do a 2 mile walk.

Tonight I'm making dinner for the folks.  Olive oil & sea salt chicken breasts, red roasted potatoes w/garlic seasoning, and broccoli spears.    

Tomorrow at this time I'll be at the airport ready to head home.   I miss my pups.  

As for the cell phone. There was a place here that could fix it. It would have cost $230.  My phone was only $199.   However they would have had to special order it and I can't wait.  I have a new phone. It's fancy and all that but I want my Nexus 4 back.   I have 15 days to find a place to replace the glass on my phone so I can use it again and return the phone back to T-Mobile.....(Oh & it's out of stock at Google so I can't replace it for the same one)

If any of you Ohioans know of a sure to let me know!

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