Sunday, October 6, 2013

This past week

Happy Sunday.

Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying this fine fall weather. 

This week was a little bit different for me.  

As you know from my previous post, I'm having a bit of a tough time.   I'm trying though. I really am.

Step-wise, this week is a bust.   While Friday, when I worked from home, was a pretty good day.  I walked the Duch at 5AM and at lunch I walked with my friends and neighbors, Lissette and Jenni, and Saturday.... well I'll get to that.

Friday was our anniversary. 17 years with Rich as a married couple (20 years together total).  We had gift certificates to White Oaks. Wonderful atmosphere and food to die for.   While I had my calorie and nutrition daily goals in the back of my mind, we ate. We ate what we wanted.   I had the most amazing dinner AND dessert.  I did not feel one ounce of guilt.  I won't do this often.  It was a one time thing. It was our day.   Let me reiterate. The meal was divine.   The food they served was so freaking good.   I truly had a wonderful night. 

Later as I tried to calculate the dinner, I realized that yes, I may have gone over, but it wasn't really that bad.  Nothing to worry about in reality because I HAD burned more calories than I had taken in.   So no need to worry about anything.    But let me tell you...DINNER WAS DIVINE!

I'll even share what I ate since I keep rubbing it in that it was soo good. 
I drank my typical water with lemon.  I started my diner with a Raspberry salad. It was mixed greens with strawberries and cranberries, candied walnuts, blue cheese crumbles, with a Raspberry vinaigrette. So flavorful.  
I had 2 tiny slices of the ciabatta bread & butter.  My dinner was Filet Mignon: Center-Cut of the Beef Tenderloin. Wrapped with Applewood Bacon and Grilled. Topped with a Cabernet Demi Glaze. Slight Moo to it. 

Rich had the Clam Bake special. Started off with clams. Followed by Clam Chowder. Then a dinner of a agnus steak filet, sweet potato fries, and corn on the cob. That boy was happy as--pardon my pun---a clam.   (Why are clams happy?)

Yeterday was a big bust step wise.   I had been putting off cleaning out my closets and files for some time. Since it rained yesterday, it was the perfect time to go through everything.   That project took a heck of a lot longer than anticipated.  I spent 5 hours on the floor going through 17 years of paperwork.   I ended up shredding quite a lot.  SO while I didn't walk --hardly at all--I was very productive.   I also made sure i at least got on the bike later in the evening.  So while I didn't walk much, I did 45 minutes of bike.  

Today I'm going to finish up the little bit I have left and I guess we'll see where that goes.

Those of you who look at the number up top before you read, know the total. It actually is 32.8 lbs, according to my scale--which is the official weight keeper :).

I have a huge goal I'm trying to accomplish this week. I cannot tell you about it right now because....let's just say I will blog about whether or not I made it most likely Thursday evening. That should be when I will know whether or not I made it. Trust me, if I make this goal, I will be sooooooo happy.    So now you have a little teaser and reason to come back Thursday night or Friday morning--depending when I get to blog it.  

As always, thank you for the moral support.  Thank you to my wonderful friends who keep my spirits up by telling me how good I'm doing and how they can tell I'm losing weight. Thank you all.  You're not only my support, you're my detrmination to keep doing this.  Knowing I have an audience (even if it's a small one) helps keep me focused. I don't want to let myself or any of you down.   Enjoy your Sunday!

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