Friday, October 11, 2013

Tenn Day 1

hello folks.

Getting started.   The surprise was not pulled off how I wanted.  My phone acted weird and wasn't uploading the blog quick enough.   In the end, they were surprised but I walked in the door about 2 mins after my brother walked in.

Mom was very shocked and I guess happy to see me.  Dad was shocked.
Jack was super happy to see me.

So,  I guess that was good.

Today I walked Jack early this morning.  Later on I went for a 2 mile walk at this park near here.  I easily achieved my 10K steps.

I stayed under my calorie goal as well.  
There will not be a weigh in until Monday.  I do not have a scale here that I can use, so there will be a slight delay on my weekly weigh in.

Will keep you posted.

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