Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Clothing Retirement (double post today)

No...the second half of the previous post will not be posted till probably Friday.

This post instead is of a "happier" nature.

I've posted about my progress. I've posted pictures of my walks. I've posted product reviews.   I have yet to share any of the progress.    

Well this post is about my growing 'retirement' pile.  Clothing that I can no longer wear because it does not fit properly anymore.  

First off, this is a photo of me from a month ago. At this time, I was about 18 lbs down.

Down 18 lbs. Sept 20, 2013
As you can see, I'm starting to get a little figure here.  Those pants I had to quit wearing at the end of last summer.

Now, exhibit no 1.

This dress. Last year I got on a big maxi dress kick. I bought one last year and went out and bought a few more during the spring. I love them.   This dress I wore last summer to a wedding. In fact, here is Rich & I at the reception.
The dress was snug in the bosom, as you can clearly see here.  It was comfortable otherwise and long, my favorite kind.
It did eventually loosen up in the chest area and I wore this dress with a sweater or suit jacket to work.   

Well in preparation for this post, I cleaned out a portion of my closet.   I tried on all my dresses.   A few I can get a few more wears out of them.       

Here is exhibit 2, the dress today.

What you do not see is how loose this is on me.
It hangs under the arms and you can clearly see my bra.   My chest is much smaller.  Between the chest being smaller and my middle, the dress hangs on me. Where it once came to my ankles/top of my feet, it now comes down to the floor.

it is so loose, that the middle section, where the dress comes in at the waist, is so loose it just lays there and isn't really all that flattering.

BTW, Rich is constantly making remarks about the shrinking chest.    

Now, onto Exhibit 3, one of my favorite pairs of pants.   Awhile ago, I bought these dress pants for work. I loved how comfortable they were and how they hung.. I bought two more pairs & one never was removed from the package (my back up pair).   
I will now have to retire all three pairs.   I am so sad--in a bitter sweet way.

When I walk wearing these, I fear they'll fall off of me. I practically have to pull them up to just under my chest to avoid them slipping off.   I will miss my dress pants.

June 2013
October 2013
Exhibit 4 & 5.   This is a picture of me from June 8 at the NKOTB concert, The blouse I'm wearing is one of my favorites.  I love it so much.   Again, this is from THIS JUNE.

The shirt sits fine on my shoulders. Hangs to my upper thighs.  Fits just fine.

This picture was taken this morning as I was getting ready for work.   This is me down 35 lbs.

It is way too lose.  It doesn't sit right on my shoulders. It's huge in the breast area. Baggy..   I'm heartbroken that this is the last time I will wear this lovely blouse.  

Moving on. This picture, Exhibit 6 was taken ONE WEEK before I started this journey.  
 What to say about this picture? You can see my big breasts & large round middle.   What else can you say?   This was today trying the dress on. 

The way it hangs in the chest makes it look bigger in this picture than it actually is.  It hangs a bit under the arms and I have a bit of a figure.  Not as flattering as the other but still something to show.
 What I didn't get a picture of are these 4 pair of pants I own. Same type just different colors.  They're all retired. I wore the one pair to work yesterday and spent the whole day nearly tripping as they were too long and falling off.   

So visual progress. It's not as great as I'd like, but it's something.  

Thanks for reading.

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