Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Weigh In

My Mom kept saying all weekend, she couldn't wait to find out how much I've lost.
Seeing me "in action" first hand, gave her a glimpse into how hard I'm trying...even when I'm tempted.

Sitting in the airport yesterday with a few hours to spare, I was starving. I was starving and right there was a Mexican restaurant.  I so badly wanted to have some chips and salsa.  Instead I went into Hudson News and found some Fuji Apple chips. 180 calories for the whole bag.

Bought those and snacked on them with a bottle of water.   Super sweet but helped fill me up.

Had my weigh in first thing today & am now down 35 lbs.   Next Friday is the "date".  The date I meet with the Bariatric Dietitian again. This is the appointment in which I am suppose to have reached my 24 lb. goal.   

She'll sign off on the surgery and my paperwork will be sent to insurance.   (Hold all those opinions, questions & thoughts I know you're having for another post).

Then we wait to see how long it takes for the insurance to approve & then a surgery date will be scheduled.

As far as my homecoming yesterday: We arrived 20 minutes early. Got to my car safely.  Arrived home to be greeted by 2 of my pups who were happy to see me.    The 3rd showed up 20 mins later to greet me.

Now I'm "at work".  My work laptop is open and logged on and I'm going through emails.  Multi-tasker I am.

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