Monday, October 21, 2013


I'd like to apologize. I posted this on the wrong blog.   My friend/coworker mentioned I didn't post when I know I  here it is..on the correct place.

I know some of you log-on on Sunday's looking for my updates.

I wasn't going to post but I figured I'd do this quick one so you'd know not to keep looking.

After logging in 35lbs lost on Monday/Tuesday, the rest of the week was not so lovely.

Friday I wasn't feeling well and came home to sleep.   Saturday & Sunday I've caught up on the sleep that I did not get last week.

I did get on the scale this morning and got right off.   This week was not a good one.

I'm pretty bummed and taking it hard, so my planned post is out the window.

On a positive note, Rich was paid the rest of his last paycheck and we're both set to get our next one, so things on that front are good.

Reminder, this Friday is THE DAY. The appt. with the dietitian where she will see I met her goal and approve my surgery so she can send it in to insurance.

SO , no update this Sunday. Check back for sure on FRIDAY for that update.  I may post a few times this week. It all depends if I get out of this funk or not.



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