Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Now about that goal.......

I’m actually starting this Sunday night.  If you’re reading this, it means I sort of met my goal!  I won’t post this if I didn’t.  

Now this posting has TWO purposes.
****goal not 100% met. ***

The first is to share with you that I met one of my goals.  See, about a year or so ago, I started flying regularly.  I really had come to hate flying with a passion.   Can you guess my reasons?  

The first would be the pain I experienced when I have to stand in line to go through security and walk the airport to and from my gates.   My one flying experience was so dramatically painful--last November. I was in tears as I found my seat on the plane.   

I could not stand for any extended period of time.  I could not walk for any extended amount of time. It was excruciating. The last time I flew, I did the tram thing.   

The second reason would be the planes I had flown in were the little ones with a single seat on one side and two on the other.  I was just big enough that I could not properly sit in the seat. I would either have to sit at an angle within the seat, arms digging into my side,  in order to fit in OR I would have to ask the individual next to me if I could keep the arm up.  I’ve been lucky that the individuals were pretty nice about it.

It really was embarrassing.   September 4th I booked myself on a flight.   The closer to the date and the more I lost, I began to have a dream. A goal really.  My goal is this Thursday to be able to go to the airport, not have any pain while I wait to clear security.   Walk through that airport like a normal person and then be able to board that plane and not have any problem fitting in the seat.
Unfortunately, the seat is still snug. Instead of scrapping the whole post, i am modifying this on the plane. Right fit but NO PAIN**   

I’ve lost enough weight now to make flying a bit more, tolerable! I’m almost a normal person!!!

So there you have it. My goal and my partial success.
That is part one of this post’s purpose.

Now onto the second.   

A certain someone or two is reading this because my plan is to call them to tell them to read my blog.   They’re reading and maybe just maybe they’re getting hopeful.   They’re reading about me flying. I never told them I was going anywhere.   Why would I possibly be flying??? Where could I possibly be going? Could I just possibly be surprising them?  

Well, if they’re not thinking that, they’re for sure thinking it now.   

Not sure how the rest of this will go,  as I am still undecided on how to pull off the reveal -but…>SURPRISE!
Guess where I’m at right now??????????           See you very very soon.

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