Monday, September 30, 2013

Product endorsement

Love it. First time trying this. Love it, so flavorful. Zone Perfect: Greek yogurt vanilla berry. 12g protein, 3 fiber, 180 calories.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lazy Day Sunday....

I'm actually writing this Saturday night.  The only thing I will have to do tomorrow is verify my weight and report the total lost and then post this tomorrow morning.

Well, what to tell you? As I mentioned in my earlier post, I've been achy.   So this morning I told Rich there wouldn't be any big walks. I just wanted to keep busy.

That was the plan until Jenni innocently asks me, "What are you up to for about 3 hours?"  I should know better when anyone asks me these questions. When my supervisor recently asked me if I was "busy" I ended up on a project.    She invited me to Zumba with her.

I had briefly attempted it at my neighbors with the Wii a long way back.  Never have I ever did it in a class setting.     Yeah, I was so unprepared for that.   There was a Zumbathon at LCCC today and that's what we did.  It was part of Lorain's United We Sweat initiative that they've had this September.   

I did it until I needed to break. I'd break & then try again. That was pretty much the routine.   We even did a Zumba toning thing.  That was easier but still a work out.  
By the time we left, I was aching and sweaty and over 10K steps.   I came home took two advil and soaked in the tub.   Right now I'm worn out and tired but feel mentally good ( but exhausted). Physically, well I know I will pay tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a easy Sunday for me. No walks.  No biking.  Just a day off to recover.   

Monday will be my new day to start over.    

I did get on the scale this morning and it was quite promising.   However, I still do my Sunday morning weigh in and actually log it to the scale.   If all stays the same, it was a good week.  

Sunday Morning post:
Another thing that happened yesterday was I was able to wear a pair of capris that earlier this summer I couldn't even wear.   My stomach was too big to even try to close them.  Yesterday I slipped them on and zipped up with zero effort.

Today I feel good. A little achy but not as bad as I had feared.

Final thought.
June 9,   2013
See this picture here?? The colorful "shawl" or whatever it's called that I wore is going into retirement.   It is too loose on me and is annoying.  So that is the first article of clothing that I have that is officially retired.  Progress I say!

Oh! And in case you didn't look, 30 lbs. 
After last week's stall, we've hit 30 lbs.


see you later.
Thank you for your support!

Friday, September 27, 2013

OT (Off Topic for the non tech speaking folk): Post Duchess

As I mentioned last post, Rich isn't home.   I don't call people on the phone much and no one is around to talk about Duchess.  

When we brought her home back in June, she was the perfect dog. So mellow. So calm. So sweet.  Didn't react to anything. Didn't play with dog toys. Didn't play "Find Mommy" when I'd hide under a blanket Did not react to other dogs. We'd take her to the dog park and all she would do is sniff.  She just was sweet and calm.

When we adopted her, they told us she was six. We doubted it as there were glimpses of a younger playful dog that we would see.

I should have known it would come to an end.  She just needed to feel comfortable to come out of her shell. Over the past month or so, more and more of her personality has come out.   My sweet calm dog is not calm. She's still sweet, she just can scare the bejeebers out of people.

Since I started this journey, we hadn't taken her to the dog park. We've been taking her on all our walks.  During the walks, she easily ignores people.  She'll try to go to them to get petted, but she is non aggressive. However, more and more we'd notice her reaction to other dogs. She's gets....I can't even describe the sound she makes. It's like a howl or growly whine.  

I told Rich the other day we should take her to the dog park to give her some freedom.   We did just that.
That dog that use to just sniff and nothing else.   She still sniffs. In addition to that, she also wrestles with other dogs (her boy Brinks was the only one she did that with before) and ran. I have never seen her run as fast as she did at the park. She ran and ran.   She and this other dog got into a wrestling match that made the other dog owners nervous (new dog owners, they don't know play growls).   It's like a whole new dog. However if a dog is playful with her, she is playful back. If a dog is aggressive to her, she is right back at him.  Both of those types of dogs get her wound up.

Additionally, out of curiosity, I took one of Sheba's old squeaky toys and tried to get Duchess to play with it again.  This time she fell in love with it.  She goes and gets it to play her version of fetch.   Besides food & snacks, she now has an actual toy to toss around.  It is very adorable.

And that game of find Mommy? IT's dangerous for me. She loves it and it gets her all wound up. I end up with a paw in the face.      It really is quite cute.      I've also realized she doesn't know the difference between a full size human and a tiny sized one (aka kids).  When she sees them, she runs at them all barky and scary looking only to stop on a dime.   The barking of course gives everyone a heart attack.  Then she tried to get them to play by jumping  up on them.   Yeah, no ones ready for that.

Through all this though, I see she is younger and more playful than in the beginning.  So we are probably right that she is younger than they said.

However through all that, she is still quite sweet. Sometimes I think more so than before.   She just wants to play and we need to get her to be a little more gentle around people.

Sheba just knew and still knows that there is a difference between kids and adults. She's ever so gentle to the kids and protective.  Don't know where she picked it up at but I wish she'd teach her sister. The little sister who adores big sis.

So that's it. That is my OT Duchess post.   Thanks for letting me talk.

Unscheduled post #1

TGIF!   I know I am.  This week, I worked 3 days from home. It's really not as fun as it sounds.  As much as it's a pain in the butt to drive downtown and expensive gas wise and parking wise, I'd rather be there.  

As I said, I worked from home today. Barely got any steps in as I had to deal with an unscheduled conference call with the Auditors.   Fun stuff.   At least I knew what I was talking about when I answered their questions. Go me!   

Tonight Rich is working late. Some install or something or other he has to attend to.  After being home alone all day, it was quite boring earlier this evening.   Regardless, I grabbed Ms Duchess and headed out the door. Today it was a bit of torture to force myself.   You see "overall" I may be feeling better, but I still hurt.  I ache in my shins, my feet, my back (the muscles along the sides vs the small of my back). It's an every day thing.   I just wanted to chill and lay and do nothing.  

Doing nothing, HA! I don't think I can do that anymore.  The urge to walk claws at me if I sit around and haven't done so yet.   I think it's safe to say, it's officially a habit now.

So, as I said, I grabbed Duchess and we headed out into the neighborhood.   A nice 45 minute walk.   It was a good walk and I even had a cheerleader (Thanks Jenni!) at one point.  The walk was going steady until we were on our way back home.   There is this house on the corner that has an invisible fence.  The dog is quite cute actually and I got an unexpected up close and personal face to face with her today.

We're walking by the house and here she comes running & barking. I don't think anything of it since she usually stops at a certain point.   Well the kid that lives there and his friends were out playing. Something or other must have happened and the dog wasn't being held back by the fence.  

It comes flying up to us and I just stand stock still.   It smells Duchess. Duchess smells it. Everything is fine.
For 3 seconds then it starts going after Duchess.  Duchess is fine with dogs until they get aggressive with her. She will fight back.  So there I am holding on to Duchess while she & the other dog go at it. The boys come running up trying to stop the dog.   They were polite and apologetic. (They were about 10 or 11 maybe).

Now we can continue our walk.  Well the good walk is over. Duchess is all wound up (Off topic post to follow). Duchess wound up is a pain in the behind.  She now tries to jump people who walk by when she normally ignores them.   I was just glad to get home.  

According to the FitBit, I logged about 4500+  steps.   Made up for my day of sitting on my behind.

So there you have it. I'm still walking, pain and all.

Is there anything in particular you'd like to see me address?  Food? Exercise? etc?  Just let me know and I'll share.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Dr Appointment #2

Today I had my appt with my Dr (to meet insurance requirements of the 3 month Physician monitored weight loss).

She walked in and apparently it's obvious because she said I looked good.
When she saw the numbers, she was impressed.
When I began to tell her what I've been doing & how I've been doing as well as the physical changes, she was so happy for me , she teared up.

She has been thinking about putting a support group for weight loss for the Clinic's patients and she asked if when the time came, if I would share my story.

She was very impressed and is very excited for me.   I'm grateful for all the cheerleaders I have.
My neighbors/friends are very supportive and so are my co-workers.   It makes me more determined to not slip up.

While I may be disappointed with my weight loss this past week, I'm going to keep keeping on! (shout out!)

This next months goals:  Lose another 20lbs.  Increase my bike time to 45 mins 4x/week. Finally, I want to do a minimum of 10K steps a day.  It's hard on the days I work from home, but I want to work on it.

We shall see.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Slowing down

This week was disappointing on so many levels.

First off, I was put on a project that I am working from home on. I lose my steps for walking from the garage, during my two 15 minute breaks and back to the garage.  I make up for it by working out longer on the bike, but apparently it is not enough.

This week I only lost 1 lb.  Yes, it is still progress, but after averaging 3-4 for the past 5 weeks I am disappointed.

I'm still under my calorie goal, so I am doing well

Tomorrow is my official weigh in. Though it may not register the same as I was weighed 5 days before I bought my scale. I guess we will see. And there is a difference it weight between the Dr's scales. For example between 8/16 (Bariatric scale) and 8/20 (PCP) there is a 7 lb difference.  Going by the Bariatric scale, I've lost 26.  By the PCP, 19.  

The only exciting place that we walked was our development. Saw more of it than I ever had. Some really nice homes.   

I don't have much else to say at this time.  I guess I'll check in tomorrow after my Dr appointment.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today was a disappoinment.

Step wise, I just didn't feel up to walking. So I'm going to probably end with 6,000  steps. After days of 10K steps, this makes me sad.

I only did 25 minutes on the bike.  I was at 1700 calories, so I'm still good on that end. I just wish I had done more, but just don't have it in me today.

I start working from home tomorrow and will have to work extra hard to make up for lack of steps.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Product Review: Bolthouse Farms dressings

So, about two weeks ago I stumbled upon these dressings at the Target in Avon. I had stopped there because I wanted to see what our Target would look like once construction is done.
Bolthouse Farms Yogurt based Salad Dressings

As I looked around, I came across the Ranch and Chunky Blue cheese. The two things that caught my attention were 1) they were yogurt based and 2) 35 Calories in the chunky blue cheese!   (45 in the Ranch).

So, since I'm all about salads and a possible dressing that will reduce my caloric and fat intake AND possibly have flavor?  You bet I bought them to try them out.

While I've only had the Ranch once, it tasted like Ranch.   I need to have it again to get a better feel for it.
The Chunky Blue Cheese however, DELISH! OMG, is it good.  I put it on one of my WW Spicy Chicken sandwiches and it was to die for.   

Nutrition wise, let's compare against Wish Bone's Chunky Blue Cheese:(taken from myfitnesspal)

Wish-Bone Salad Dressing - Chunky Bleu Cheese Dressing (left)     Bolhouse (right)

Calories150Sodium270 mg
Total Fat15 gPotassium0 mg
Saturated3 gTotal Carbs1 g
Polyunsaturated8 gDietary Fiber0 g
Monounsaturated3 gSugars1 g
Trans1 gProtein0 g
Cholesterol5 mg  
Vitamin A0%Calcium0%
Vitamin C0%Iron0%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Flavor & better for you?  Total Win!    If you're looking for a way to cut calories without giving up taste, I highly recommend this.   I'm going to keep an eye out for the other flavors so I can try them out.   

Here's a link to another reviewer:

Sunday, September 15, 2013

This weekend's walking sites:

This weekend, we didn't do the awesome 3 miles that we did last Saturday.   

Saturday we started off at Beaver Creek right here near my home.

We decided to walk the first part of the loop until we hit the fork where it veers off to the connector that takes you to Main street.   Walked that to Main Street & back and then continued on the rest of the loop.

That walk was approximately a mile and a half.

It was a  pleasant day, except for how I was feeling , as mentioned in my previous post.   

The hills made me feel like I was getting something done in spite of the short walk. 

Here are some additional pictures from the walk.
The first view of the creek

the other directioin

A view through the trees

Rich & Duchess crossing the 2nd bridge

Another view of the creek

Our walking companion

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Sunday we went to Lakeview Park. We walked from the East end to the West End then south in the park and then headed back East towards the fountain and the Rose Garden.  
In the Rose Garden, we did the loops. We started on the outside, walked around and then proceeded to the next inner loop.   It worked out to be a little over a mile and a half.  

It was definitely a gorgeous day for that.    After our walk, we sat on a bench for a bit and just enjoyed the view and the gorgeous weather.   

If it hadn't rained too much the previous few days, we would have tried another park.  The trail I wanted to do isn't paved, so we decided to wait till it dries a bit more.

My new walking shoes, New Balance, worked beautifully.

If anyone has suggestions for places that we can walk/hike, I'd love to hear them.   We're always up for new views, especially Rich.

Lighthouse in Lorain.

If you head to the park early enough during the day, it's quite empty.   It makes the walk much nicer without having to run into people everywhere.
Monument and I'm too lazy to flip the picture.

The Rose Garden was quite pretty.  If you love roses, then this is a place for you.
center sidewalk

As we approach the rose garden
The roses
The center
A view FROM the center
Another one I'm too lazy to flip. A picture of what we walked
Rich & Duchess reading up.
The Walkers

Sunday Update

Morning all.   

Well, what a week!  This week was pretty awful for me, especially since Thursday.   
Thursday when I did my walks at work, I felt "tight". It's hard to explain but it's a feeling I got often when the Fibro is acting up. It's difficult for me to move.   That wonderful feeling that I've been having was not as wonderful.

Friday a tiny bit of the same but physically I could do very little. At work, I take 2 breaks in which I walk. After I eat lunch, I walk. I walk to and from my car (about a half mile each way).  I get in a lot of steps just by going to work.

Friday I had to work from home as I had to drop off 2 of the pups at the vet.  My breaks were NONE.   AT lunch, since it wasn't already made for me, I had to make it and that cut into my walk time.   Then it rained.   I couldn't go outside.  So Friday was a bust walking wise. I still did the bike though, so I did get some exercise in.

Saturday!  Saturday is finally my day to catch up on my steps.  WRONG.  I felt awful. I HURT everywhere. My feet, my ankles, my hips, my knees, every muscle ached!  Fibro was in full flair up.   I just ached and I was tired.   Normally in the past when I felt like this, I just took it easy.   Why move when it just hurt to do so?  It was an ibuprofen all day type of day.

With my new mindset, I would not accept that. We forced myself to walk.  We did a small mile and a half and I did 15 mins on the bike.   I wished I could have done more but I just couldn't.  The fact that I just didn't give in to the doing nothing while I felt like that was an improvement itself.

I ended up doing 8000 steps yesterday which is fabulous all things considered. I went to bed and prayed that I could get some good sleep so I could feel rested and repaired.

Around 3AM it wasn't looking good. However after taking some headache medicine (the first caffeine I've had since I started 5 weeks ago). I feel pretty good right now. But I haven't moved too much yet, so the day is still young.

Alright, for the main information. If you've already looked at my status at the top, you know the answer.
But according to my record keeping scale ;), my total weight loss is (drum roll please)  21 lbs.
Yep, TWO ONE.   The goal the nutritionist set for me to lose by OCT 25 was ...24.    BOOYA!

I'm going to do a second post later about my walks (camera w/pictures is in the other room).

But we can all celebrate: 21 lbs lost.   :)

Thanks for all your support!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I hurt

Today is going to be tough. I ache all over. I am still determined to get my walk in though.  The change in weather did not help one bit. Stupid fibro.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Grrrrrr. Help.

Currently, Rich is making himself some mini pizzas. They smell so good and I'm starving. Yes I have plenty of calories to spare, but today was a bust step wise.
I worked from home
I wasn't able to walk on my breaks because I had to take the dogs to the vet. Then I was swamped.... It rained... It was a bad day.

I did get to do my bike.. Whew.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


For some reason, today was very hard for me physically.   Today walking just ...I was sluggish. I felt like I was dragging.  I almost didn't walk tonight because of it.   

Additionally, I'm starving.  I ate. I ate well. I ate under my calorie goal even before taking my activity into consideration.   I just don't know why.

Maybe I didn't get enough sleep?  I do notice that my sleeping habits are changing. I don't know if it's related to the weather or my lifestyle changes.

I still get up to go to the bathroom but that's it. I fall right back to sleep and am usually being awoken by the alarm.

 Today I met one of the other considerations to my having surgery, met with my counselor.   He was happy for me for all the good things that have been happening since I last saw him.  He and I spoke about my choice for surgery and a few other things.  

Saturday is suppose to be 66 and Sunny.   Wonder where my next walking adventure will be.  Will we go back to Vermilion?  Somewhere new?  Maybe not Vermilion, it may be too muddy.   We'll see.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Proud of myself

When I first started working here i would park in the Muni lot. Eventually I changed to the N Point lot. That is where I parked until I became ill.

Walking up the hill or even that distance was painful and took too much effort. So about three years ago I switched to the city lot right outside my building. It was closer and easier to walk to and from. Of course it was more expensive.

Today I parked back at one of the earlier lots and walked up the hill. Aside from the sweat, it was a good walk.  I hope my improvement keeps up. It is saving us money and it helps lose the weight.

So I'm very proud of myself.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Check In

Evening Folks!

Today we took an easy day.   Yesterday's 3 miles was very rough on our bodies and we're paying the price.

This morning's weigh in: 17 lbs shed.  

Speaking with my mother earlier, she asked if I was going to post pics.  Probably not. I don't think it's really noticeable yet...When you're this heavy, it's going to take a lot of loss before you notice.

So there you have it folks, Starting week 4 and 17 lbs lost.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Everything's better with Bacon

Today was a very exciting day, physically that is.   

First off, last night I did it. I made 10,000 steps!  WOO HOO!  I worked my behind off for those last bits to get me there. 

This morning, we decided to change the scenery a bit.  Our place of choice to do our walking/hiking was 
Vermilion River Reservation is about 10 minutes from our house. There you can find many different trails to walk.  We decided to try three of them. They're all linked and if we were able to complete it, I would have done 3 miles by the end.

First we went to the wrong side of the park and ended up walking a much smaller trail before we figured out we were in the wrong location.  

Hopped in the car and drove across the road to the other side where the walking trails we wanted were.

Circled in Purple you can see on the map the red, blue and yellow trails.    The red trail is Bacon Woods.  (yes hence the name of this entry).   
Bacon Woods is .85 to do the whole trail.

The blue trail is Bluebird Trail and that is .70 miles.

Lastly, the yellow. The hellish trail, Coopers Hollow, which is 1.4 miles was very over grown and muddy.   

The whole thing took maybe, an hour and a half to two hours.   Bacon & Bluebird were relatively easy.  Coopers Hollow--that took effort.   We stopped at the top to rest and take a drink and also look at the river.

We took Duchess with us and she was enjoying herself.

I am very happy to say that I logged in over 10, 000 steps before noon.   Noon is pretty much when we got back to the car.   We were hot, sweaty, and worn out by that time.

I was very ecstatic to have reached that milestone so early in the day.
Bacon Woods

The rest of my day was not so productive as I hurt.  I'm tired and hurt.   However, as of right now, my count is 14,161.  I did over 5 miles of walking today.    

I'm taking a break from the bike today and just relaxing. I'm under for my calories, so I'm not worried there.   

Today though, both my breakfast and lunch really filled me up. That's a first.  
Breakfast today was 2 Thomas' Everything Bagel Thins with Greek Yogurt-Cream cheese and a glass of Skim Milk.

Lunch was a Lean Cheeseburger (cheese made with skim milk) on a honey wheat Sandwich Thin and a glass of skim milk.
It was sooo freaking good. Again, I was quite full.

So, today was a productive and successful day for my diet.  I'm quite excited and hope I can keep this up. Enjoy the photos taken today on the hike.

More of Bacon Woods

Bacon Woods

Blue Bird
Rich & Duchess, Bluebird

Blue Bird

Vermilion River from the top of Coopers Hollow

Another view of the River

10,000 baby!

One of the things that my dietitian wanted me to do along with the dieting is move more. She said to try and get in 10,000 steps a day. That has been very hard. At first I was averaging about 3,000-4,000 a day. Slowly it upped to 5,000. As I've lost weight & changed my eating habits, I've been feeling better. More energy, easier movement, & the desire to do more. So for the last week or I've been averaging around 8,000. A few days I've actually made it to 9,000 but just couldn't hit that elusive 10,000. I'm proud to say that last night I did it! I hit 10,000. This is a fantastic start to the weekend. I now have to find a way to keep myself busy to get that many this weekend. It's actually easier for me during the work week as I walk 2-3 times during my breaks, as well as walking to and from my car. Now without the scheduled walks, I have to make sure I don't get lazy. We are planning on heading to the park in about a half hour. The morning is starting well. I had a yummy fulfilling breakfast of 2 Everything Bagel Thins w/whipped Greek yogurt & cream cheese and a glass of skim milk. I am soooooooo full. Yay! Here's to hoping for a very step filled weekend.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Approaching a Plateau?

The thing about water weight? You lose it quickly. Once you’re done with that, weight loss slows down. That really really sucks when you just want it gone. I stepped on the scale this morning and for the third day, it hadn’t gone down. This makes me sad. After 3 ½ weeks, I’m use to seeing progress. Being stuck at 15 lbs just is tough. The only reason I step on the scale daily is to ensure that the suffering I am going through. Why is it easy for me to not feel the hunger when I work from home, but here otherwise I can’t help but feel it. I’m definitely better on getting my steps in. I’m still not quite at 10,000 but I’m doing much better than when I first started monitoring my steps. Back then it was about 3-4000 steps daily. I’ve been over that this week. Two days was in the 9,000 range. My goal this weekend is to hit 10,000.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Returning to the real world....

Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.   Returned to work today after the long weekend. Mentally I did not want to be there.  It's not like it was a year ago in my old department, but still I didn't want to be there.

I did do pretty well.  I walked twice during my breaks.  I was extremely hungry in the early part of the day so my lunch didn't make it until lunch time.   I was still good.

I had a little surprise today. Something that hasn't visited me in a long while showed up today.  I was shocked.   Is it due to the diet? Was it just time? Who knows. We'll have to see next time.

Today was day 3 walking Beaver Creek. It was harder today. I don't know if it was because we did it at the end of the day or because we had eaten dinner.  Whatever the reason, it was a bit more difficult but we still finished.  

I'm currently 1100 steps from 10,000.  So after this, I'm going to go around the house and pick up. Maybe I'll be able to get them in before I head to bed?

Here's to hoping I hit 10K.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The struggle continues.....

Well, today I start week 3.   This week has been eventful, diet wise. 

Right now, I'm not sure where to start. I had all these ideas on how to start this until it came to this moment of actually starting.

This week was a bit easier. I did have a moment or two of severe temptation.  There was a bridal shower for a member of the division at work. Pizza and cake were the enemies. I wanted them so badly but I did refrain.   The cake looked and smelled fabulous.   I refrained and happy that I had the strength to do so.

We had some enjoyable meals this week.   I'm paying a lot more attention to portions and measuring.

I was doing quite well until last night. We attended a Labor Day BBQ. It was the first time I've been in a situation in which I did not have control over my meal.   I did my best to keep my portions and food choices healthy.  I did well until later when a taco dip.  Sadly, I did not do well.   I'm so mad at myself for that.
I did take a walk during the BBQ to try and increase my steps.   

I went to bed severely disappointed in myself.   

This morning, we took Duchess to Beaver Creek trail for a walk.  I am extremely happy to report that I was able to do the entire walk with no back pain. In fact, I briefly considered doing the trail again.   I felt fabulous.  We came home and I did a half hour on the bike.

I'm still feeling fabulous and feel like doing more. Maybe I'll walk Duchess more or get back on the bike.

Getting on the scale each morning has been encouraging (except this morning).
As of YESTERDAY morning, the scale indicated that I had lost 12 lbs.  This morning, it indicated 10.    Very discouraging. I know that most of it has been water weight and slow down is expected. I just didn't think i'd see it immediately after my discouraging night.

So that's the news this week. I'm down 10 lbs as of this morning.  

Still working on getting my steps up and keeping my nutritional intake down.   I l hope that I stay on track and continue to lose.