Saturday, September 7, 2013

Everything's better with Bacon

Today was a very exciting day, physically that is.   

First off, last night I did it. I made 10,000 steps!  WOO HOO!  I worked my behind off for those last bits to get me there. 

This morning, we decided to change the scenery a bit.  Our place of choice to do our walking/hiking was 
Vermilion River Reservation is about 10 minutes from our house. There you can find many different trails to walk.  We decided to try three of them. They're all linked and if we were able to complete it, I would have done 3 miles by the end.

First we went to the wrong side of the park and ended up walking a much smaller trail before we figured out we were in the wrong location.  

Hopped in the car and drove across the road to the other side where the walking trails we wanted were.

Circled in Purple you can see on the map the red, blue and yellow trails.    The red trail is Bacon Woods.  (yes hence the name of this entry).   
Bacon Woods is .85 to do the whole trail.

The blue trail is Bluebird Trail and that is .70 miles.

Lastly, the yellow. The hellish trail, Coopers Hollow, which is 1.4 miles was very over grown and muddy.   

The whole thing took maybe, an hour and a half to two hours.   Bacon & Bluebird were relatively easy.  Coopers Hollow--that took effort.   We stopped at the top to rest and take a drink and also look at the river.

We took Duchess with us and she was enjoying herself.

I am very happy to say that I logged in over 10, 000 steps before noon.   Noon is pretty much when we got back to the car.   We were hot, sweaty, and worn out by that time.

I was very ecstatic to have reached that milestone so early in the day.
Bacon Woods

The rest of my day was not so productive as I hurt.  I'm tired and hurt.   However, as of right now, my count is 14,161.  I did over 5 miles of walking today.    

I'm taking a break from the bike today and just relaxing. I'm under for my calories, so I'm not worried there.   

Today though, both my breakfast and lunch really filled me up. That's a first.  
Breakfast today was 2 Thomas' Everything Bagel Thins with Greek Yogurt-Cream cheese and a glass of Skim Milk.

Lunch was a Lean Cheeseburger (cheese made with skim milk) on a honey wheat Sandwich Thin and a glass of skim milk.
It was sooo freaking good. Again, I was quite full.

So, today was a productive and successful day for my diet.  I'm quite excited and hope I can keep this up. Enjoy the photos taken today on the hike.

More of Bacon Woods

Bacon Woods

Blue Bird
Rich & Duchess, Bluebird

Blue Bird

Vermilion River from the top of Coopers Hollow

Another view of the River


  1. So fricken proud of you! I'm glad you are enjoying yourself as you go through your journey to better health!

  2. Thank you for sharing. My smile is huge and I am really proud and so happy for you and your life changes. This is all going to help you with the life changes over the next several months! You go girl! You have our complete support!!!

    1. I can't wait till the spring/summer to try this again. Or maybe when the ground is frozen so the mud won't be so bad.
