Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Update

Morning all.   

Well, what a week!  This week was pretty awful for me, especially since Thursday.   
Thursday when I did my walks at work, I felt "tight". It's hard to explain but it's a feeling I got often when the Fibro is acting up. It's difficult for me to move.   That wonderful feeling that I've been having was not as wonderful.

Friday a tiny bit of the same but physically I could do very little. At work, I take 2 breaks in which I walk. After I eat lunch, I walk. I walk to and from my car (about a half mile each way).  I get in a lot of steps just by going to work.

Friday I had to work from home as I had to drop off 2 of the pups at the vet.  My breaks were NONE.   AT lunch, since it wasn't already made for me, I had to make it and that cut into my walk time.   Then it rained.   I couldn't go outside.  So Friday was a bust walking wise. I still did the bike though, so I did get some exercise in.

Saturday!  Saturday is finally my day to catch up on my steps.  WRONG.  I felt awful. I HURT everywhere. My feet, my ankles, my hips, my knees, every muscle ached!  Fibro was in full flair up.   I just ached and I was tired.   Normally in the past when I felt like this, I just took it easy.   Why move when it just hurt to do so?  It was an ibuprofen all day type of day.

With my new mindset, I would not accept that. We forced myself to walk.  We did a small mile and a half and I did 15 mins on the bike.   I wished I could have done more but I just couldn't.  The fact that I just didn't give in to the doing nothing while I felt like that was an improvement itself.

I ended up doing 8000 steps yesterday which is fabulous all things considered. I went to bed and prayed that I could get some good sleep so I could feel rested and repaired.

Around 3AM it wasn't looking good. However after taking some headache medicine (the first caffeine I've had since I started 5 weeks ago). I feel pretty good right now. But I haven't moved too much yet, so the day is still young.

Alright, for the main information. If you've already looked at my status at the top, you know the answer.
But according to my record keeping scale ;), my total weight loss is (drum roll please)  21 lbs.
Yep, TWO ONE.   The goal the nutritionist set for me to lose by OCT 25 was ...24.    BOOYA!

I'm going to do a second post later about my walks (camera w/pictures is in the other room).

But we can all celebrate: 21 lbs lost.   :)

Thanks for all your support!

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