Sunday, September 22, 2013

Slowing down

This week was disappointing on so many levels.

First off, I was put on a project that I am working from home on. I lose my steps for walking from the garage, during my two 15 minute breaks and back to the garage.  I make up for it by working out longer on the bike, but apparently it is not enough.

This week I only lost 1 lb.  Yes, it is still progress, but after averaging 3-4 for the past 5 weeks I am disappointed.

I'm still under my calorie goal, so I am doing well

Tomorrow is my official weigh in. Though it may not register the same as I was weighed 5 days before I bought my scale. I guess we will see. And there is a difference it weight between the Dr's scales. For example between 8/16 (Bariatric scale) and 8/20 (PCP) there is a 7 lb difference.  Going by the Bariatric scale, I've lost 26.  By the PCP, 19.  

The only exciting place that we walked was our development. Saw more of it than I ever had. Some really nice homes.   

I don't have much else to say at this time.  I guess I'll check in tomorrow after my Dr appointment.  

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