Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Check In

Evening Folks!

Today we took an easy day.   Yesterday's 3 miles was very rough on our bodies and we're paying the price.

This morning's weigh in: 17 lbs shed.  

Speaking with my mother earlier, she asked if I was going to post pics.  Probably not. I don't think it's really noticeable yet...When you're this heavy, it's going to take a lot of loss before you notice.

So there you have it folks, Starting week 4 and 17 lbs lost.


  1. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you! See the day of cheat on 9/1 didn't eat into your "total" weight loss efforts. Don't let a bad day or bad meal get you down!

    1. seems so long ago, even though it wasn't. I remember being proud of 17...
