Monday, September 23, 2013

Dr Appointment #2

Today I had my appt with my Dr (to meet insurance requirements of the 3 month Physician monitored weight loss).

She walked in and apparently it's obvious because she said I looked good.
When she saw the numbers, she was impressed.
When I began to tell her what I've been doing & how I've been doing as well as the physical changes, she was so happy for me , she teared up.

She has been thinking about putting a support group for weight loss for the Clinic's patients and she asked if when the time came, if I would share my story.

She was very impressed and is very excited for me.   I'm grateful for all the cheerleaders I have.
My neighbors/friends are very supportive and so are my co-workers.   It makes me more determined to not slip up.

While I may be disappointed with my weight loss this past week, I'm going to keep keeping on! (shout out!)

This next months goals:  Lose another 20lbs.  Increase my bike time to 45 mins 4x/week. Finally, I want to do a minimum of 10K steps a day.  It's hard on the days I work from home, but I want to work on it.

We shall see.

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