Friday, September 6, 2013

Approaching a Plateau?

The thing about water weight? You lose it quickly. Once you’re done with that, weight loss slows down. That really really sucks when you just want it gone. I stepped on the scale this morning and for the third day, it hadn’t gone down. This makes me sad. After 3 ½ weeks, I’m use to seeing progress. Being stuck at 15 lbs just is tough. The only reason I step on the scale daily is to ensure that the suffering I am going through. Why is it easy for me to not feel the hunger when I work from home, but here otherwise I can’t help but feel it. I’m definitely better on getting my steps in. I’m still not quite at 10,000 but I’m doing much better than when I first started monitoring my steps. Back then it was about 3-4000 steps daily. I’ve been over that this week. Two days was in the 9,000 range. My goal this weekend is to hit 10,000.

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