Saturday, September 7, 2013

10,000 baby!

One of the things that my dietitian wanted me to do along with the dieting is move more. She said to try and get in 10,000 steps a day. That has been very hard. At first I was averaging about 3,000-4,000 a day. Slowly it upped to 5,000. As I've lost weight & changed my eating habits, I've been feeling better. More energy, easier movement, & the desire to do more. So for the last week or I've been averaging around 8,000. A few days I've actually made it to 9,000 but just couldn't hit that elusive 10,000. I'm proud to say that last night I did it! I hit 10,000. This is a fantastic start to the weekend. I now have to find a way to keep myself busy to get that many this weekend. It's actually easier for me during the work week as I walk 2-3 times during my breaks, as well as walking to and from my car. Now without the scheduled walks, I have to make sure I don't get lazy. We are planning on heading to the park in about a half hour. The morning is starting well. I had a yummy fulfilling breakfast of 2 Everything Bagel Thins w/whipped Greek yogurt & cream cheese and a glass of skim milk. I am soooooooo full. Yay! Here's to hoping for a very step filled weekend.

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