Sunday, September 15, 2013

This weekend's walking sites:

This weekend, we didn't do the awesome 3 miles that we did last Saturday.   

Saturday we started off at Beaver Creek right here near my home.

We decided to walk the first part of the loop until we hit the fork where it veers off to the connector that takes you to Main street.   Walked that to Main Street & back and then continued on the rest of the loop.

That walk was approximately a mile and a half.

It was a  pleasant day, except for how I was feeling , as mentioned in my previous post.   

The hills made me feel like I was getting something done in spite of the short walk. 

Here are some additional pictures from the walk.
The first view of the creek

the other directioin

A view through the trees

Rich & Duchess crossing the 2nd bridge

Another view of the creek

Our walking companion

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Sunday we went to Lakeview Park. We walked from the East end to the West End then south in the park and then headed back East towards the fountain and the Rose Garden.  
In the Rose Garden, we did the loops. We started on the outside, walked around and then proceeded to the next inner loop.   It worked out to be a little over a mile and a half.  

It was definitely a gorgeous day for that.    After our walk, we sat on a bench for a bit and just enjoyed the view and the gorgeous weather.   

If it hadn't rained too much the previous few days, we would have tried another park.  The trail I wanted to do isn't paved, so we decided to wait till it dries a bit more.

My new walking shoes, New Balance, worked beautifully.

If anyone has suggestions for places that we can walk/hike, I'd love to hear them.   We're always up for new views, especially Rich.

Lighthouse in Lorain.

If you head to the park early enough during the day, it's quite empty.   It makes the walk much nicer without having to run into people everywhere.
Monument and I'm too lazy to flip the picture.

The Rose Garden was quite pretty.  If you love roses, then this is a place for you.
center sidewalk

As we approach the rose garden
The roses
The center
A view FROM the center
Another one I'm too lazy to flip. A picture of what we walked
Rich & Duchess reading up.
The Walkers

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