Friday, September 27, 2013

Unscheduled post #1

TGIF!   I know I am.  This week, I worked 3 days from home. It's really not as fun as it sounds.  As much as it's a pain in the butt to drive downtown and expensive gas wise and parking wise, I'd rather be there.  

As I said, I worked from home today. Barely got any steps in as I had to deal with an unscheduled conference call with the Auditors.   Fun stuff.   At least I knew what I was talking about when I answered their questions. Go me!   

Tonight Rich is working late. Some install or something or other he has to attend to.  After being home alone all day, it was quite boring earlier this evening.   Regardless, I grabbed Ms Duchess and headed out the door. Today it was a bit of torture to force myself.   You see "overall" I may be feeling better, but I still hurt.  I ache in my shins, my feet, my back (the muscles along the sides vs the small of my back). It's an every day thing.   I just wanted to chill and lay and do nothing.  

Doing nothing, HA! I don't think I can do that anymore.  The urge to walk claws at me if I sit around and haven't done so yet.   I think it's safe to say, it's officially a habit now.

So, as I said, I grabbed Duchess and we headed out into the neighborhood.   A nice 45 minute walk.   It was a good walk and I even had a cheerleader (Thanks Jenni!) at one point.  The walk was going steady until we were on our way back home.   There is this house on the corner that has an invisible fence.  The dog is quite cute actually and I got an unexpected up close and personal face to face with her today.

We're walking by the house and here she comes running & barking. I don't think anything of it since she usually stops at a certain point.   Well the kid that lives there and his friends were out playing. Something or other must have happened and the dog wasn't being held back by the fence.  

It comes flying up to us and I just stand stock still.   It smells Duchess. Duchess smells it. Everything is fine.
For 3 seconds then it starts going after Duchess.  Duchess is fine with dogs until they get aggressive with her. She will fight back.  So there I am holding on to Duchess while she & the other dog go at it. The boys come running up trying to stop the dog.   They were polite and apologetic. (They were about 10 or 11 maybe).

Now we can continue our walk.  Well the good walk is over. Duchess is all wound up (Off topic post to follow). Duchess wound up is a pain in the behind.  She now tries to jump people who walk by when she normally ignores them.   I was just glad to get home.  

According to the FitBit, I logged about 4500+  steps.   Made up for my day of sitting on my behind.

So there you have it. I'm still walking, pain and all.

Is there anything in particular you'd like to see me address?  Food? Exercise? etc?  Just let me know and I'll share.

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