Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lazy Day Sunday....

I'm actually writing this Saturday night.  The only thing I will have to do tomorrow is verify my weight and report the total lost and then post this tomorrow morning.

Well, what to tell you? As I mentioned in my earlier post, I've been achy.   So this morning I told Rich there wouldn't be any big walks. I just wanted to keep busy.

That was the plan until Jenni innocently asks me, "What are you up to for about 3 hours?"  I should know better when anyone asks me these questions. When my supervisor recently asked me if I was "busy" I ended up on a project.    She invited me to Zumba with her.

I had briefly attempted it at my neighbors with the Wii a long way back.  Never have I ever did it in a class setting.     Yeah, I was so unprepared for that.   There was a Zumbathon at LCCC today and that's what we did.  It was part of Lorain's United We Sweat initiative that they've had this September.   

I did it until I needed to break. I'd break & then try again. That was pretty much the routine.   We even did a Zumba toning thing.  That was easier but still a work out.  
By the time we left, I was aching and sweaty and over 10K steps.   I came home took two advil and soaked in the tub.   Right now I'm worn out and tired but feel mentally good ( but exhausted). Physically, well I know I will pay tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a easy Sunday for me. No walks.  No biking.  Just a day off to recover.   

Monday will be my new day to start over.    

I did get on the scale this morning and it was quite promising.   However, I still do my Sunday morning weigh in and actually log it to the scale.   If all stays the same, it was a good week.  

Sunday Morning post:
Another thing that happened yesterday was I was able to wear a pair of capris that earlier this summer I couldn't even wear.   My stomach was too big to even try to close them.  Yesterday I slipped them on and zipped up with zero effort.

Today I feel good. A little achy but not as bad as I had feared.

Final thought.
June 9,   2013
See this picture here?? The colorful "shawl" or whatever it's called that I wore is going into retirement.   It is too loose on me and is annoying.  So that is the first article of clothing that I have that is officially retired.  Progress I say!

Oh! And in case you didn't look, 30 lbs. 
After last week's stall, we've hit 30 lbs.


see you later.
Thank you for your support!

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