Thursday, September 12, 2013


For some reason, today was very hard for me physically.   Today walking just ...I was sluggish. I felt like I was dragging.  I almost didn't walk tonight because of it.   

Additionally, I'm starving.  I ate. I ate well. I ate under my calorie goal even before taking my activity into consideration.   I just don't know why.

Maybe I didn't get enough sleep?  I do notice that my sleeping habits are changing. I don't know if it's related to the weather or my lifestyle changes.

I still get up to go to the bathroom but that's it. I fall right back to sleep and am usually being awoken by the alarm.

 Today I met one of the other considerations to my having surgery, met with my counselor.   He was happy for me for all the good things that have been happening since I last saw him.  He and I spoke about my choice for surgery and a few other things.  

Saturday is suppose to be 66 and Sunny.   Wonder where my next walking adventure will be.  Will we go back to Vermilion?  Somewhere new?  Maybe not Vermilion, it may be too muddy.   We'll see.

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