Sunday, November 1, 2015


So, as I've mentioned a time or two in past posts, I've been in pain.

Went to the doctor and we discussed it and how it makes it painful to walk when my back "seizes up"/cramps up.

Long story short, I'll be starting physical therapy.  She found the "knot" in my back that I was telling her about and that led to her having me try a few things which led to the PT.

I start next week. We're hoping to get me started on working that issue out and getting me back on my feet.

This weather change has been brutal on me as well. My joints hurt like hell.  Just sitting there doing nothing is painful.


So no further updates until I get into PT and back on my feet.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


So, you might have been looking for news about the Foxtrot i signed up to do.

I ended up not being able to do it. I've been sick for the past 2 weeks. Congestion, cough, exhaustion, hot, cold, sweats....blah blah blah

I was given meds and finished off the last of my antibiotics today.  I'm still coughing and all that fun stuff. Today is the first day all week that I'm up past 6PM.   I've felt horrible.

Whatever bug this is, it knocked me on my behind.

So, there has been NO walking or exercise or anything.  

so, here's hoping I'm on the road to recovery.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


hey. sorry I've not posted.

I've been a bit frustrated.  After 2 weeks of watching everything I eat, I didn't lose a single pound.
It is very frustrating.

I've not given up yet.   I've done what I can to keep busy.  I used my lunch to walk to the lake.  I got up early last Saturday to do a 2+ mile walk with my girlfriend.   When I worked from home last week, I walked the dogs in the A.M and at lunch.   I'm working on getting myself active.

I signed up for another 5K.  Doing the Fox8 Foxtrot again this year.   I really am trying.  

this won't be long ...I just wanted to check in...

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Hey there. I'm back.   No weigh in today.  I'm going to wait until next week.

This week has been interesting.  I've been on my new dosage for 6 days now.  I think they fully went to work yesterday. I've felt "normal".  The pain and exhaustion are extremely diminished.  I'm still sensitive to touch, but that never really has ever gone away.  The stiffness/tightness in my limbs is gone as well.
We've taken the dogs on a walk two days in a row and I was able to do the complete walk without feeling like I over did it. Additionally there was little pain.  I am hoping to begin walking the dogs regularly to rebuild my stamina.

So, I'm cautiously optimistic that the increase in the meds will help me with my goal to get back on track.    

This week I was also very good about logging all my foods as well as watching my calories.  Except one day, I was below my calorie limit each day.     Little steps.

I am really hoping to get into a walking routine at work again and finding time to hit the bike.  I'd like to get back up to visiting the gym.

My body has been responding positively to the changes.  Little things that I couldn't do or had problems with are not such a problem right now.

I don't know if it's related or not, but my wrists have been bothering me a lot. I had carpal tunnel release surgery in both wrists back in 2012.   I sleep with a wrist brace on both because if I do not, they are sore. Sore at the surgical site, not CT related.  

Well, lately I have had constant issues during the day. One day it was so painful to type, I just gave up.  I had to buy some braces to keep at work and have had to wear them daily.   Again, I don't know if this is related to the Fibro or another issue, but I'm hoping it'll go away quickly.  

I'm interested to see how tomorrow goes. Normally Mondays are very harsh on me.  I usually hit the bed by 6;30-7PM on Mondays.   I wonder if it will be like that tomorrow.  

Well, thanks for sticking with me.      Until next time......

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Good evening.   

It's been close to a month since I've last written.  Quite a few things have happened.

First and foremost, I am no longer in school.  I had to really think about things and the stress was making me sick.   Since it was mostly for my own purpose, there was no need to stay in school while everything else suffered.

I still have a lot going on, but I'm not overwhelmed as I was.  That 's a big bonus.

A few of you were quite concerned with my last post.  I am very humbled and grateful that some people care enough and reached out to me.   There are 2 particular individuals who contacted me in one way or another and their concern touched me.  

Thank you to Dale for sending the book. I've been skimming through when I have the time. Some of the recipes look fantastic and I will let you know if I try any.   Thank you for reading and thank you for being a supporter and friend.  

Another thank you goes to Ms Lissette.  Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me. Even if I don't respond to them directly, I do read them and I do take them to heart.  I know you're always there encouraging me and I am happy to have you in my corner.  Love you!

With that out of the way, onto the other things.

The stress, weather  changes and other things have not helped. The weather changes have been painful on my joints, particularly my bad knees.  I've had more bad days than good ones.  My fibromyalgia has flared up.  I've been feeling as awful as I was before I was first diagnosed.  The complete exhaustion and ahiness has been horrible. I've been stiff and just overall miserable. 

I was fearing my life would return to how it was before the meds.  I have been going to bed quite early since dropping the class. Six o'clock early.   I have been falling asleep during the daytime and just in no mood to move.  

"Good News" is I had an appointment scheduled with my rheumatologist on Monday that I completely forgot about. I knew I had another appointment on that day and when I went to verify the time, I saw I had the appointment.  

We talked and I told her about it all.  In the end, we decided to adjust my meds a bit. I'm back up to the 90mg of one med to combat the pain and back up to 400mg of another.  My blood work came back with my inflammation markers up (surprise surprise).    

I've been on the new dosage now for 2.5 days.  I think it may be starting to work. I'm still up and although I'm tired from a long day, it's not like it's been.  My wrists, ankles, shins, feet, shoulders etc still hurt....but we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

I got my fitbit replaced (it died a few months back), so I'm back to tracking steps. I'm not even at 10K/day yet, but I'm working towards it. Let's hope the meds help.

It's only day 3 in, but I'm back to watching what I eat.   No particular diet.  Just watching what I eat.  No pop-just water. Fruits. Veggies. 
My plan right now is to concentrate on the eating right now. Depending on how well I do, I'll next focus on my exercise. I'm also hoping I start to feel better soon to help with that.

I'm just taking it a day at a time and hoping to get back on track.  

Thursday, June 25, 2015


I don't know if anyone is still reading.    I wouldn't blame you.

So, here's the thing... or a few things.

First. I failed. My meet & greet was last week and I was no where close to what I wanted to be.   I hate the way I look.  I hate the way I feel.   

I've been fighting a lot of pain lately. I've had some fibro flair ups as well as arthritic pain. This weather and it's changes are beating me up.

Now why I haven't written.. I have no time.  

Long story short, a big project I work on at my job is causing MAJOR stress.   I've been putting in over time. My face has broken out due to the stress. I'm EXHAUSTED when I come home and coming home later does not help. Let's throw in that I returned to school.  

I'm forcing myself to write now. I just finished turning in my lab assignments for school as well as taking a test.  

I have 2 more days to work on the next chapter's reading, labs, and assessment quiz.   Ugh.  I'm really reconsidering my choice to take these classes.

I have not worked out in weeks because I have NO TIME.   Last weekend all I did was homework on Saturday and Sunday.  Did not enjoy the weekend at all.

I know this isn't good for my health.   Here's what my life looks like now....

4:15 AM  Wake Up
4:15-5:10  Get dressed, feed the dogs, get ready for work...and leave
5:10-600  Drive to work & get in the building.
0600-1530 Work and Overtime.    I barely get up to use the rest room since I'm so busy.
1530-1630  Leave building, go to car, travel home.

1630-1730 Dinner prep/eat/clean up

1730-1800 IF it's nice out and IF i'm not tired, walk the dogs.
1800-2030/2100  HOMEWORK.
2100-2130 Bedtime if I'm Lucky.
If I'm lucky, this gets me about 7 hours of sleep.  But let's be realistic...I've been heading to bed at 10-10:30...

Ugh.    I'm exhausted. My body hurts.  I'm stressed.   My week with my nephews was great, only because I was off work (I still had school).

I fear i'm going to make myself worse and my food intake is going to SUCK!

 I did go to the concert last week and it wasn't too bad physically. I did hurt the next morning , but I was able to enjoy it with minimal physical limitations.   And if you must know, we had a blast!

 I'm not going to promise any posting schedule at this time.   I won't know when I have a moment.

Rich & I are discussing how much this certificate will help me professionally and if it's worth it. 

Well, I have to get up and move around before I become fused to the seat.   Pray I get through my next chapter quickly enough to be able to enjoy the weekend.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Surprise midweek post

This week we have our nephews with us.  We're on vacation.  I've taken to walking the dogs so far. We just came back from Seneca Caverns.
While it was a bit difficult due to my pain,  I still was able to do it.

Not the end of the world

Thursday, May 28, 2015

No Excuses

So, yeah. It's been almost a month since I posted last.  I have no excuses. I've known I had to blog, I just never got around to doing it.

I'm going through a tough time. 

First, you know how everyone now a days is all about "Love Yourself". " Be comfortable in your skin" blah blah blah.   Well folks...I'm not. I can't stand to look in a mirror these days.  I hate what I see back. I find nothing appealing.   That depresses me and then leads me to hating myself more....on and on.  

I look at other "big" girls and they seem so comfortable with who they are. They look cute in their outfits and all that. I don't see myself in any of them.    I put on an outfit and I get compliments and I thank the person, but I'm like "WTF? What do they see?"  Seriously, I wish I could get in that "Comfortable in my own skin" mindset...but I can't. 

So part of my self loathing has been related to not wanting to blog.  I have no pearls of wisdom. I  have no positives to share.   I just

FYI. I haven't gained or lost a pound.    I've continued going to the gym. I'm pushing myself to walk more....pain and exhaustion and all.....  So i'm still chugging along. Just not as well as I wish I was.

Another issue as of late, my back.  It's not the same pain as it once was.  This is a lingering issue from back when I made all that progress.   When we went on our vacation and had massages, my masseuse even commented on the issue with my back.

My back muscles are very very tight...a knot is in the middle of my back that the masseuse couldn't work out during the time we had. 
It has since gotten worse. I wake up with my back so tight or cramping that it's severely painful.  It makes walking difficult on the days it really wants to be a pain...I try to push through, but I can't. 

I begged Rich to give me a deep massage today--as much as he could. I screamed through most of it as my skin and certain areas of my skin are very sensitive....but I screamed through it all as he loosened what he could.   I feel soooooo much better, but it's still there.

I've recently began searching for somewhere to go for a therapeutic massage.  I need to start going to get this taken care of.  I can't go on like this. 

So May has been a really cruddy month for me.  My will this month was very diminished...but I trudged through--pain and all.  SO we're going with the no weight gain as a positive.

Tomorrow is a test though. It's another NK concert and I'm hoping my back doesn't seize up during the show........

I'll try to do better .....

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Going Backwards

Hey.  sorry I haven't posted. I've been doing some overtime at work and that is just knocking me on my butt.   I've been in bed at 7:30PM a few nights, struggling to stay awake.
I didn't even make it to the gym once last week.   As I said, exhausted.

I haven't gotten on the scale lately because that's the last thing on my mind.   However I know I need to really kick it in gear.

We have returned to the one park near us to start walking again. Nothing says out of shape like barely being able to finish one lap.  My back really hurts and I just was pushing it.   This was with us doing the smaller loop. 

We did go again this morning and did the bigger loop, but it was still a chore.   I also feel myself starting to feel like I did when I first got ill 5 years ago.   I ache all over and just am plain exhausted.   Besides heading to bed early, the only difference between this time and last is I'm still fighting.

My back has been acting up on my walks, but I'm pushing through.  I am hoping to make it to the gym again this week.  I need to schedule time with a trainer to focus on some core exercises.

This weekend was warm and sunny so I worked on some of my landscaping. That was a chore -my back aching- and my body just aching in general, but I still did it.   I just need to plant a small tree and find some new lights and I am all done with my landscaping.    So as you see, I am trying to keep myself active.  

It's hard.   I don't know if the feelings I'm having are due to the stress I've been under or something I'm not eating /or am eating.  

Right now for example, I'm just done.   I wanted to go to bed hours ago, but I forced myself to stay up and do something.  I grilled some chicken for dinner.   Just had a bit of OJ that I've been craving.
I hurt all over and just want to stop right where I am.

Being over 40 and trying to lose weight and stay healthy is a struggle.  I'm still fighting and still mad at myself for getting to this point but I'm still fighting. 

I had wanted to walk the pups again today, but I think we're good. They're snoring away next to me and I'm trying to finish this up to crawl into my nice bed.

Step wise, I think I'm around 10K. I haven't hit my 12K goal yet but anything over 10K is good.

Hoping to keep it up this week.  What am I going to do when I go back to classes?  I'm going to be ran ragged.

Just keep fighting I guess...

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Let's take a moment

I'm going to veer off course for today. 

Last night I attended a fund raiser/benefit for someone I've met once, but know of pretty well.  We share a mutual friend and that is how I first became aware of Ally.

I don't think I'm sharing out of turn being as her fight is not been a secret.

Long story short, Ally was born with Cystic Fibrosis.  She had a double lung transplant approximately 10 years ago.  She was doing well until she wasn't.  Her body is rejecting her lungs and after a long fight, she's decided to just live the rest of her life as comfortably as she can.

I've read some of her posts and it just stuns me how some people can just go on, knowing their dying, but not acting like it. 

This woman has more strength in her pinky than I do.  I don't think I would be so strong if places were reversed.  

She has so much love, family, and friendship around her it's not fair she should be 'suffering' so. 

Ally is only in her 30's and still has so much vim & vigor, I hope she keeps fighting for years to come. 
Her fight makes my fight and complaints about weight loss seem so inconsequential.  I am so grateful that I am healthy enough to have these problems.   

The benefit I attended is to help with her medical bills, memorial fund, and help
Follow Ally during her fight...

The cost of staying healthy has taken a toll on her and her family financially. Your donation will help with the rest of her medical and hospice expenses along with  helping to start a college fund for her daughter, Olivia. "

So I just wanted to take today off and not bitch or complain about weight loss. I wanted to take today to appreciate the fact that I'm healthy and acknowledge there are those who would trade places with me in a heartbeat.
I also wanted to introduce to you someone who has more fight and courage than anyone I know.

I met her when I attended her 30th birthday party. It was a quick introduction, but she had so much life in her--it has always stayed with me.  

So today just take a moment to appreciate what you have, who you have, and be thankful.  
If you have a moment-read up on Ally, donate, or get to know about this incredibly strong lady.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Hey. Still here. I know you don't really want to hear about how busy I've been, but it's true. 

I saw the dietician on Friday. Weight has not moved.   We discussed that.  I wanted to know why I had no problems dropping the pounds the first time around and why I am struggling now.  

She gave me an explanation's too confusing to write up now , but basically it's not all that surprising I'm not dropping it off like before.

She gave me some hints and we'll see where that leads.

I was quite busy the past two days.   I started yesterday with the gym. Worked out for about an hour and 20 mins or so.  Stopped by Lowes, came home to then paint my bathroom.  Later I took the dogs to the dog park, came home and helped my hub get ready for a date with a pretty little lady -our niece. 

I assisted at the dance they went to and didn't get home until 10PM.   I was on my feet all day pretty much. OH & I did some gardening.

Today, I continued the gardening and then we relaxed by going to the movies.   Went grocery shopping after that and now have come home to pick up around the house.  


I'm looking forward to just relaxing the rest of the evening.

So as I was saying, the scale hasn't moved.  The only positive is that I'm NOT gaining.
Not losing either.  VERY FRUSTRATING.

I'm looking forward to more warm weekends and weeknights to begin walking out and about more.  I miss my weekend jaunts with the doggies.

I can tell the difference with them when they've had exercise vs when they haven't. They are in need of it as well.

So here we go, off to start another week.  Hopefully some of the hints will work....We shall see.

BTW, my blog seemed very popular the other day. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I saw how many visits were on Thursday.    THANK YOU for reading. 
I don't know if I'm helping anyone these days, but I know I'm trying and haven't given up yet...

Monday, April 6, 2015

A day late


Yes, a day late.  I didn't feel like posting yesterday and I had a Dr appt. today that I wanted to go to before I posted.

Last week sucked because I was in class during the week.  While in class, I drank pop to stay awake (caffeine). I didn't walk much and did not have time to head to the gym.  I did a little at home, but it wasn't enough.

The pop made me bloated and sure enough, I gained like a pound and a half-or so my scale said.

Went to the doctor today and on their scale, clothing and all, it showed 2 lbs less.  So I don't know.

Saturday I went to the gym and got a real good work out.  I got on the bike here at home a little while ago and before I head to bed, I'm going to work on my arms again.

So sadly after 4 weeks, I'm not losing a lot ...but I'm not gaining.   Progress!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sucky week

I had to change up my schedule this week due to a training class I'm attending.
Throw in a visit to the college....
I haven't been to the gym this week and I forgot to bring my lunch today.

Positive notes:
Still doing the 21 day arm challenge and probably next week ready to move up on the weight.
Currently sitting at  my desk, sitting on my exercise ball and dancing (using my hips) instead of a chair. 
Good for the core!

Saturday I hope to be back to my gym schedule. 
I had wanted to go this morning, but my late workout yesterday (bike and arms) caught up with me at 4am.  

I have a feeling no weight loss this week and possibly a gain....grrr.

However as you've been reading, I'm far from giving up.   My hip swiveling as I type says a lot.

Oh, Duchess is hear wanting out for her evening bathroom break....later..

Sunday, March 29, 2015


I had a very weird/eye opening experience today.

I got on the scale today and only lost .4 lbs.  SOooooo frustrated. 

Then I realized it's been 4 weeks since I measured my waist and hips. In case I forgot to share, I decided to monitor that every 4 weeks. I didn't do it last time.

SO, I measure my waist & hips.   I measured them twice.   I measured them a third time.   I'm down an inch.    Holy smokes.  I can't believe it. I'm too cautious to believe it.   But I measured everything twice the first time I did that to make sure I had the right numbers.  

Soooo, yeah. I'm losing something.  

I've been mostly good.  I did drink some pop this weekend, but really that's it.  I'm eating less junk food and calories. I go to the gym about 3 times a week.  This past week I even went to a concert where I worked up a sweat dancing up a storm.

I work out at home a any progress I guess is good.     So there you have it. Scale barely moved,  but the measuring tape did.!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oh....the stuggle.

It's 7:52PM and I'm sitting here in bed with my laptop. I HURT.

I actually went to the gym this evening.   Sarah didn't ask me-no one asked me--I went on my own....Ohhh who am I?

So, anyhow I'm still bummed over the struggle and the fact that my weight loss is soooo slow. I got on the scale this morning and it was only down .6.   I know I have to be losing something!  I notice I'm not as "blown up" ...I don't look as swollen as I did.  My middle isn't as poofy. 

I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.   I'm still working on my arms (the 21 day challenge) and I am still eating better. I go to the gym or I work out at home.   I don't drink carbonated beverages. I only drink water..... WHAT'S THE DEAL?!!!!!!

The struggle is real folks......

Tomorrow is a concert---so who knows what's going on with that.... I'll be on my feet late and up late and really tired an cranky when I log onto work on Friday........... 

We'll see...

Thanks Lissette for all your feedback. I got your message and just need to get around to responding. I suck at that.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Weigh in....

In the grand scheme of things it's good news.   The official weight loss total this morning from last week was 1 lb.

It was less than I was expecting and a gain from my mid week check up. Rich and I discussed all the reasons why it may have been so miniscule.  He's positive my weight training & going to the gym have contributed to that (as in I'm 'gaining muscle').

I don't know if I agree with that.  Then again, I don't know how long that takes, so what do I really know?   As I said, in the grand scheme of things, I lost weight.   

This weekend we stuck around the house, but we were not lazy.  Between finally painting the basement bath and replacing a few light fixtures, we've kept busy.

Back to the grind this week.   Work, working out, and a concert thrown in there......

Hopefully good news.   

I am still working on the 21 day Arm challenge.  It's easy to do almost anywhere, so I have no excuse not to keep up with this.   On day 9.  

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday March 21

Hidey Ho!

Right now it's Saturday at 10:22 AM.  What have you done so far?  I can happily say I was at the gym first thing this a.m. with Sarah.  Did an hour there and then went grocery shopping.  It's all packed and put away. I just finished my checkbook.   I have about 6500 steps.   This Saturday is shaping up to be a good one.

I've been doing really well.   I've done something every day.  Either the gym or my bike or my arms.  I'm really keeping on track so far. 
It isn't all easy  For example, I was suppose to go to the gym with Sarah on Thursday. I just ached and didn't feel like it.  Oh, I just wanted to take a day of rest.   

I didn't go to the gym, but I forced my butt downstairs to do my bike and some sit-ups.   I just can't let myself go down that road.

Tomorrow is weigh in.   I did a sneak peak during the middle of the week and I'm happy about what I saw. This is even after a bad judgment involving coconut Twix.  I try to allow myself flexibility with what I'm eating.  I account for it and make sure I do something to offset it.   There are a few days when I'm over my calories, but that's ok.  

Another thing--I'm usually quite hungry. OMG, I've been ravenous a few days this week.  It's awful.  I try to push on through though.

My one TREAT that I've discovered and allow myself if Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Ice Cream bars.  SOOOOOO freaking delish.   110 Calories of chocolaty goodness at the end of a hard day. Weight Watchers foods are a godsend.

So, just a little update to let you know I've been mostly good, but definitely on track with the exercise.   

Check back tomorrow for the weigh in.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015

3.15.15- 2.2

Progress!  I lost 2.2 lbs!  I'm shocked and happy. I haven't had a success in a long while.  I'll take each and every small bit as it comes!
Additionally, I started this:
Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday March 14

I still plan to do a weigh in post tomorrow.  I'm terrified.  Since my recommitment, I've been *mostly* good. 
Mostly as in  I've stuck to logging my food, working for my steps, and working out.  I have also enjoyed some candy-readily available at work.  I AM trying though.

This morning I am proud to say after I woke up and let the dogs out, I went downstairs to do my recumbent bike.   45 minutes, just over 6 miles.    Depending which tool you look at that's anywhere from 400-800 calories.   I'm conservative with my estimations, so I took the lower estimation.

My neighbor and I have plans to head over to the gym in the afternoon.  

Another thing I've tried a few times and STILL CONFOUNDS ME is my weighted hula hoop.  I STILL can't do it.   I'm going to have to ask an expert.  
HEY FRIENDS/NEIGHBORS, want to come over and try it to see if it's just me?

I try every day....ONE day I hope to have it !!!!!

Another thing I'm going to start doing (as soon as I find the pump) is using my exercise ball as a seat when I'm sitting around the house.  Need to strengthen my core!

So back to my nervousness about tomorrow. My biggest fear is that the needle moved up or not at all.  I would like more than 1 lb but I would be satisfied with 1 lb downward movement.   ANY positive sign.  

SOooooooo I guess check back tomorrow for more?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


So, I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. I had a bunch of errands to do, including getting stuff together for a dual baby shower at work today.

It's for the best. It rained yesterday and it seems when it rains-my arthritis /fibro acts up.  I was all achy.

Today I did go to the gym and did the treadmill for 45mins then did a few reps for my biceps.
Came home and walked the dogs with Rich.

Sounds great.   I did make over 12K steps (Yay) but the above mentioned baby shower...... yeah....didn't do so well with that.

I did log my food so I'm doing much better than I have been.

We'll just keep keeping on.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I got real this morning.
When I spotted on the scale this morning, I logged it in the scale(i had avoided  doing that) and I measured my waist.  Gulp.

I'm hungry....

On a good note, I feel a whole lot better than last night.  I still have a bad headache, but I feel more human.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Is it spring yet?

I had a reminder on my calendar to blog. Of course I'm not feeling too hot now. Massive headache and exhaustion. I just ate am hour ago, so I don't want to go to sleep immediately. I'm going to try to blog.  Forgive all errors. ..

So my knee. As you know I've complained about it often. I was beginning to wonder if it was the weather or my weight. I now have an answer.  Weather.
Last week I went to Tennessee to work.  The whole first day there it was 20+degrees warmer and raining.  My knee throbbed like you wouldn't believe.  It was obvious the weather change got to me.

The rest of the week however,  nothing. No pains.  I tried to walm during my breaks and when I got off work, no pain.

So I'm relieved is not weight related.  However,  with all my being careful wouldn't you know I hurt it in the most idiotic way!  Standing there on an uneven patch at the dog park. 

Proof that I got out of hand and gained weight?  Back pain has returned. 

Good news that I'm getting serious about getting on track again. ..1- starved to death, err I mean stuck to my diet. Logged it all
2 - gasp!  Joined a gym.  My health insurance has a pretty good plan for gym membership.  3- while I didn't make 12k steps today,  I did use the treadmill until it hurt too much. 

My wonderful neighbor cam be thanked for getting me there and looking into signing up.

Now that money is going into this,  I have to go!

I would have blogged sooner, but every time I remember to I'm in bed and about to pass out from exhaustion.  Like now I guess.

I need to find a measuring tape. I want to get measurements this time around.

By the way, this has been blogged with using my tabletand stylus. ...Forgive all errors. ...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

more whining

Hey.. Staying warm I hope.

This winter is ridiculous and I am so ready for it to be over.

I'm doing a bit better this week eating wise.  Still not how I really should be, but better than I was.   Part of it being I'm sooo busy at work, I forget to be hungry until it's lunchtime.

I really need to kick it up with my exercise. I don't remember if I blogged about it before, but my lower middle back feels like I pulled something. It's very difficult for me to move around and my back feels so tight. 

I'm trying to stretch it as much as I can, but that only works for a little bit.   

I am more than ready for spring or spring like weather. I want the snow and ice gone so I can walk.  I'm going to walk the dogs. i'm going to walk by myself...I'm going to walk walk walk.....

I miss it. I miss the scenery. I miss the exploring.  I miss being out with my girls.   I need to get in gear.   Praying the weather is good next week in Tenn so I can walk. Good for me is no ice.....  Fingers crossed.

No news to report on the weight front. Still not good, but not awful...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Reality Check

Well, nothing slams you in the face -that you've been gaining a lot of weight-like some photos.
I hadn't had many taken in the past few months.   This weekend we attended Cleveland's Comic Con and had photos taken with some celebrities.   YIKES. They were soooooo depressing.

I've gained weight and it's a lot and it shows.  I need to get my ass in gear. No excuses. I have a meet and greet coming in June and I need to look decent.

This weather and my knee are helping sink this ship and it's just got to stop.

Bye bye junk food, pop, and inactivity.  

Who's with me?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Off Topic: Let's take a moment...

In 2008, I met my dear friend Jen from MI.   During our getting to know one another, she told me about one of her besties, Ally, who happened to be from my area.

I was fortunate enough to meet Ally at her 30th birthday party--Such a wonderful person who is so full of life.

Please take a moment to visit the following links.  If you have it in you, please consider contributing to her families health costs and memorial fund.

GoFundME Allyson Zappe Fund

Thank you all.

I'll return later this weekend...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blogging on the go?

So I found a cheap blue tooth keyboard for mobile devices...
We'll see if it makes a difference in my blogging attempts.

Right now just running a test......

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 15

I hope you had a nice weekend.  If you're in the Midwest and Eastern US, I hope you stayed warm.

I don't know about you, but I am sick of this weather. There is no walking outside for me.  It's too dang cold and the street and sidewalks are a walking hazard around here.  Not  about to injure myself in trying to attempt it.

I realized something the other day. Well maybe 2 things. I've discussed it with others and I am glad I'm not the only one.  The winter definitely is bringing out our eating (mostly bad) habits.  The ladies I was talking to all said the same thing, they always feel hungry and find themselves snacking on the wrong things.   So it's not just me. Not that that is an excuse, but I don't feel like a complete failure.

The other thing that I noticed, I've been very stressed at work the past week. After a long day of all this stress I come home and just want to nap.  I don't want to do anything else. This SHOULD be the time I do exercise, but I don't want to. The stress is taking a lot out of me.

This week sucked. Had a few bad days.  

The past 2 days I'm trying to remember if I did something to injure myself or if it's just the extreme cold. Both knees hurt.  I was thinking maybe it's because I've gained some weight, but then that really only affected it when I was on them.  No, my knees are hurting just sitting.

Went to the movies today and could not get comfortable. My knees have to be at a certain's just awful.  I'm dreading tomorrow as I get on a plane and have to sit there and pray my knees don't drive me insane.

The good news is I will be able to walk for exercise for 5 days.  We'll see if I actually can follow through......

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Either I'm going though caffeine withdrawal or I have something else going on.  Two major headaches in two days.  Ugh.

Monday, February 9, 2015

A day late

Sorry I'm a bit late.

Yesterday was my lazy day and boy was I lazy.  Well, that's not ENTIRELY true. The night before I took an Aleve PM for the aches and pains.  After waking around 9:30, I started the day off in the kitchen making my egg muffins for the week and then cooked lunch. After that, I sat on the couch watching TV with Rich.    No phone. No computer.  Just laid there.

By the time I knew I should blog, I just was too tired (I had just soaked in the tub after all).

Last week I had my ups and downs.   I walked when I could.  I am really wanting spring to come along. 

Today I was so busy at work and before I knew it, my calendar reminder for my walk popped up.  I was really busy and tend to just keep hitting remind me in 5 mins until it's too late.  I forced myself to stop what I was doing and walk.

As I said, I had some hits and misses. I hit my 12K a couple of days , but the rest I sadly didn't make it.

I just need to get use to this knew goal and how it works with my fitbit. The blinking lights use to be 2K steps each. Now they're a bit more and it's confusing and ...yadda yadda yadda.

Oh, my whole knee thing from last week. After I typed that out, I took some ibuprofen and went to bed at 7PM.        

It worked because I felt 1000x better the next day. My knee really is wacky.  

So--no "good" updates.  Still struggling. Still trying.   Not giving up.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Not a good day

Today I hurt like hell. Oh dear lord my knees ....I can't even describe it. MY ankles and shins..

 I am not even going to try with my steps today.  I just hurt and I don't know if it's the weather or my slip in the shower the other day that did it.

Getting old sucks.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy February

Hey.  I am posting. I'm just feeling very tired and lazy right now.

I took an unplanned trip to Michigan to visit my friend yesterday. I didn't arrive back in the area until 11 and with the snow and super bowl happening today, I decided to run to the store last night.

ARGH.  I didn't make it home until 1AM.  It was crazy!   I still got up at my regular time, so I'm a bit tired.   Add to that lazy, I just didn't have the energy to turn on the computer. much to talk about. So little organized thoughts.

Item one. For the most part, I stuck to the diet hard. I worked my butt off with walking and working out.  Most part as in, I did have a bit of an off day, but I'm still doing well.

I met with Gretchen on Friday.  We talked about my 'lapse' and if I still wanted to do this surgery free.   Yes I do in case you wondered.   We agree I have the knowledge and the tools.  I just need to use them.

She said Yes this is a hard thing to do (lose weight), but I'm very conscientious of what I need to do and how to do it. I just need to do it.

The two "changes" or "homework" that I was given are new-ish.   I am to make sure I continue blogging at least once a week.  For me, everything ties together.  If I'm not dieting or trying, I'm not blogging.  SO I need to continue this along with my food logging and exercise.

Exercise: I need to introduce strength training into my routine.  The more muscle I build, my metabolism will increase.   Just need to find the right workouts and start them.

Another idea I'm toying with is starting a support group.  I belong to one online, but I'm thinking of one with meetings.  I'm trying to work out a bunch of things right now (logistics and such). I already do a lot of talking about this online and in person. I think it might help those who struggle to talk with others and have each other cheer and support.  - Just some thoughts.

I really got a work out this week through FitBits challenges. I was leading on two workweek challenges until 1-I worked from home and 2- a certain Neighbor/Friend snuck up and stole it from me Friday night. So I only won one.

Oh....I had it as one of my goals, but I actually followed through. I changed my daily goal from 10-12K steps. I met it most of the week too.   It is a lot harder, but 10 was becoming to easy. 

I also want to say another THANK YOU to Lissette (person mentioned above) for her continued pushes she gives.  I won't have the luxury of stopping with her around :) XO

Have fun at your super bowl parties tonight. Stay warm and safe if you're in the Midwest....  until next time.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Whhhhaaaaa?? A Post, on time?

Hey all. 

Where to begin? No more hiding? Thanks to a very good friend? New purpose?

So, we all know I've been ...less than honest about my weight loss as of late. 
Let's be real, there wasn't any. Weight gain, sure --plenty of that.  I can't say I've been totally blowing it off lately. I have "tried" but was easily derailed.

I hadn't logged in MyFitnessPal in a long time. I wasn't doing much working out or walking. I wasn't making smart choices.

Two things happened within a day of each other that have made me buckle down.   First was a text from my dear friend Lissette. It was just a little reminder that she missed seeing my logging in MFP.  Her gentle nudge reminded me that someone is watching out for me.

The second thing was NKOTB announced their next tour. OK, so how does that have anything to do with my weight loss?

My last pictures taken with the guys were not flattering at all.
June 2013
Aug 2013
July 2009
SO as you can see, not pretty at all.  

I am doing another M&G this tour. Three days after my birthday.  I now have a date.  I need to make sure I look BETTER than I did in any of these photos. I now have a goal in site.  My reason to focus.

So I did two things. First I was honest with the weight loss on the MFP tracker.  You will now see how far I've fallen and how far I need to go.   It's going to be tough.  The exercise is going to be my downfall, but I will do what I can.

Secondly, I'm making sure I log into MFP.  Two days in.   Yesterday I logged everything I ate and was UNDER my 1700 calorie goal. Can we say "YAY?"

Today I've been busy this morning. I did my 10 min tae bo video.  It has 8 ten minute work outs. I figured it would get me going and those days where I don't have a lot of time, it would be better than nothing.

While two days doesn't sound that fabulous, considering I couldn't make it past 1 day in recent months, this is a huge thing.  

I hope to be able to continue reporting progress.   Fingers crossed.

SO....let's get this party started...again.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Perceptions of yourself

How's your New Year treating you?  Up until Friday, it was C R A Z Y! I had so much going on it was not even funny.   I'm now caught up and trying to take care of a bunch of things that have been put on the back burner.

First, that "challenge" I posted about ...yeah. I've failed.    I've done a bit of this and that (new videos), got on the bike, walked, danced....but I need to work on my eating.

Now my topic is perceptions of yourself.

I'm currently going through very old photos and negatives and scanning them to digital. So I'm seeing me in all my sizes. 

It's s so amazing to me as I look at these pictures I once despised because I felt so over weight in them.  Holy Crud.   What was I bitching about?  Really, I looked fabulous.  

Even now, as I've gained weight, I look at myself and hate what I see.  However if you rewind a few months ago when I was losing and got to this "point" I thought I looked fabulous.   I admit I still look AWESOME compared to when I was severely over-weight, but still. 

I know I'm not the only one with perception problems.  It's just funny to me if I weighed this on my way down, I looked good.  Weighing this on my way up, I'm "blah".

What is it that drives our perception of ourself?   I know for a fact that I've had this problem for a long time.   Example, my long time and one of my besties has a photo of us from when we were 14 up on her FB page.   I clearly remember when I was that age how I felt about myself. I felt fat and awful.  I was skinny! I was perfect for my height.  That was the "issue". Because I'm a tall girl and have a bigger build, I tower over everyone and wore a larger size.  Therefore in my eyes, I was "BIG".   

I would love to go back to myself at 14 and tell myself "You're perfect". 
Will I ever feel that about myself?   Will any of us?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year

Hey! Happy 2015.

Ok. So many things to broach...
I've had some major setbacks the past few months. I've made bad choices and let some "pains" take me down mentally.   I worked hard and because of these bad decisions, I lost some ground. Yes I've gained weight. I'm not proud of it and I'm not happy about it.    I am TRYING to do something about it.     Stick with me as I soldier on.

I mentioned one time before Fit Bit Challenges.  I am telling you, these things can get you motivated.
For example, this past weekend I was involved with 2 different ones.   I'm fitbit 'friends' with my good friends who are also my neighbors. These gals are also my biggest cheerleaders and rivals.

Went over Sarah's to play some Cards Against Humanity and while we were waiting for the game to begin, we were jogging in place. We were competing against each other in a challenge. 
I spent several nights the past week, running and dancing in place to try and take the lead.  Lissette is a big motivator to get me moving.    

So while I may not have done traditional exercises, I have been working my butt off dancing and running in place to try and win these Challenges.  

Today, Sarah brought over one of her DVDs that we worked out  with, while getting in our steps.   Tomorrow I may not be able to move, but today I did do something.

Third, I'm trying to do :

  I say trying because I keep having to start over due to left over birthday cake, a coke, a Hershey each day I start over.   Do you want to try it?